i like him, but- pt. 2

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Enjoy pt. 2



I blinked.

"As friends?" I asked.

No one was listening. Good.

Blaise wasn't expecting this question because he blushed. "Um, can we talk about this later..." I said when he didn't say anything for a few minutes. "In private," I added.

"Of course," he said and I smiled. "Meet me in the common room once it's cleared out," I tell him, and perfect timing because the feast ended.


"Hm, Draco, what color do you think looks best on Cass?" Pansy said looking at me. "Stand up," she ordered me so Draco could answer her. I was about to complain but decided not to so I got up.

We were in the Slytherin common room and Pansy was going crazy about choosing a dress for me.

Draco looks me up and down and suddenly I feel insecure. "Hurry up," I tell him crossing my arms, feeling naked.

"Anything," he says and sits down next to me.

"Don't feel insecure when you're with me. I like your body just the way it is," he whispers, giving me chills. I look at him and...

I roll my eyes at him.

"I'm not insecure," I tell him and ruffle his hair making him jump up and fix it. I laugh at him and go to my dormitory.

I heard him tell Pansy to make sure no one comes in the girl's dormitory and I hear footsteps coming near and near.

My eyes widen.

"Don't kill me!" I gasp once the door opens. "Cass, I'm not going to kill you," the voice says and I open my eyes to see Draco.

"Oh," I say. "Well, why are you here?" I ask him. "To... teach you a lesson," he says as he closes and locks the door.

"So, you are going to kill me," I say.

"Oh Cass," he sighs and pulls his shirt off.

Privacy who?

"Drac-" I asked but he pulled me closer to him and I forgot everything.

What house am I in?

How am I?

What's my name?

I looked in his eyes and saw lust. I opened my mouth but couldn't say anything because he kissed me.

Yes, his lips were on mine.

I didn't even take a second to react. It's like we've been kissing since the day we met- but this was our first time.

A few seconds later my legs were wrapped around his torse. Still kissing, he took us near my bed and I got off of him. Before I could even think about my life choice- I pushed him on my bed and got on top off of him.

"Wait," I stopped him before he could take my bra off. I slowed my breathing down- touching Draco can give you heart attack for some reason.

He put his arms around me and kissed me softly. I softly pushed him away from me with a frown on my face.

"What's wrong?" he asked- his voice a little hoarse that would usually turn me on.

What the fuck is wrong with you Cassandra AnneMarie Waters!

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