the mark

276 4 0


Year- 6


"Ouch!" Draco said making me sit up. "What's wrong?" I asked already feeling the warmth of his body. "Nothing- come back to me," he murmured and I snuggled closer to him while he played with my hair.

"Baby- are you ok? You've been distant lately? Is it me- or are you ill?" I ask looking up at him. His eyes didn't mine and I knew he didn't want to answer.

"I'm here for you," I whispered.

"I know," he whispered back and kissed my forehead.


"Ouch!" Draco said in the middle of Potions. Class just started and Snape was in the middle of teaching. "What's wrong Draco?" Snape asked him.

"I think I need to go to the hospital wing, Professor. My... head hurts," Draco replied. "Ms. Zabini if you would take him," Snape said to me and I nodded.

Draco looked like he was going to argue so I gave him a look and he sighed.

My twin, Blaise gave Draco a confused look but I answered him with a shrug.

"Listen, Maya. I need to go see Dumbledore," Draco said to me once we were out of earshot and nobody was around to hear or see us.

"Ok, let's go," I started but he pulled me back. "I need to go alone- please," he said.

"Nope, I'm coming with you," I said.

"I think Ms. Zabini better come too," Professor McGonagall said interrupting us.

Draco and I exchanged confused looks but followed her to Dumbledore's office.

She said the password and the golden doors opened. She motioned for us to follow her and we did. We went up the stairs not saying anything.

I saw a beautiful phoenix perched on its cage. You could tell it just appeared from its ashed because it was a baby and it was adorable.

"Fawkes," Professor Dumbledore said gently. which made me jump. "He's gorgeous," I said.

"Draco I believe why you have come to see me. Did you tell Mr. and Mrs. Zabini as I asked you to do,"

Draco looked down and shook his head.

"Professor- what's going on?" I asked. I couldn't help myself. Draco's my- what are we even? We're friends but we... touch and kiss... are we friends with benefits or what? As I wondered over this Draco and Dumbledore were having a silent conversation.

"Draco, if you will," Professor McGonagall said and Draco grudgingly rolled up his sleeve.

I gasped.

It was the death eater's mark.

"I've been chosen, Maya," he says with pain in his voice. "Draco," I whispered. Professor McGonagall flinched at the look of it but Dumbledore had his eyes on the mark.

"It's getting clear," he murmured and started talking to the portraits.

I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because Draco let out a moan. "It hurts," he said while clutching it. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to him and tried to help him up. I couldn't make the pain go away but I know he doesn't want me to see him on the floor.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked him. "No, and don't run around telling others," he said and hissed at the mark. "Of course I won't," I said offended he thought I would blabber.

"Ms. Zabini, Professor Snape must be getting worried where you are," Dumbledore said and I undestood he wanted to speak with Draco alone. "Ok," I said. I didn't know what to tell Draco so I left with a glum nod.


"Is he alright? You were gone for an awdul lot of time," Blaise said once I was in the common room. Pansy was eyeing me with a wierd look. She's in love with Draco but he and I are secretly together and she suspects something between us.

"Yeah, I accidenatlly got lost on the way and encountered Filch," I lied. I knew he was going to ask me this so I made something up on my way back. He chuckled and I knew he was imagining my reaction to running into Filch.

"I went to the hospital wing but he wasn't there," Pansy said to herself but I knew she wanted all of us to hear her. I have no idea how I survived 6 dreadful years with her at Hogwarts.

Before I could answer a tired looking Draco made his way to us. Pansy stood up and rushed over to him. "Are you ok?" she asked multiple times. He gave me a look telling me to save him from her and I nodded.

"I think Draco needs to rest," I said and he nodded quickjly. Pansy looked at us both then stormed off to our dormitory.

"Let me help you there," I murmured and he let me lead him to his dormitory. Blaise was about to come but I shook my head and he sighed. I think he knows there's something between me and Deaco but he hasn't said anything yet so I don't really know.

"Ok, let me get you some water," I mumured once I helped him up to his dormitory. He colapased on his bed and I looked for a water jug. "Use magic," Draco moaned while clutching his arm. I did as he said and drew up a glass of water filled with ice cold water. I made sure the glass kept refilling itself and handed it to Draco.

"What did he say?" I asked while Draco chugged the water. "I have to... fight it," he said thoughtfully. "How?" I asked.

I know i should let him be by himself and I should stop asking qiestions but I can't help it.

"You know what- I should leave. You need sleep," I said before he could asnwer. "No, don't go," Draco said and pulled me to him with his right arm. "You sure? I don't want to annoy you," I said but he kissed me on the forehead and I knew he wasn't mad or annoyed at me.

I spent the night with him in silence.

So... should I continue this or...?

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