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At that moment the world around me came to a halt and all my surroundings fell silent for a moment it felt as though l had stopped breathing and yet l was alive 

what ever l was being told was clearly something above my comprehension , maybe it was just a nightmare l was surely going to be awoken from

Instead of tears rolling down my cheeks , an unsatiable vile feeling had awoken inside me already theartening to wreck chaos something did not seem right in all this  , someone  had clearly  orchested this devious plan

She the person whom they were claiming  dead was my everything she was basically  my life support  system l had never done anything  without her so far and they  just expect me to believe  she was gone and never coming back .

Within an twinkle of an eye everything had become so dark and gloomy , even the harsh reality of walking on burning ashes with the soles of my feet couldn't revive that part of me which had died nor could the piecering of a thorn deep into my flesh all that remained was numbness neither hot nor cold

She had told me she was going to come back this was just another ball for her , No she wasn't  dead she could not be and why was everyone not understanding my point could it be that they are thinking  l have lost my mind dammit why can't they just understand that she can't be killed she is more than that

Now l just didn't care anymore as to what their opinions were as long as l will be breathing my one solemn goal is to bring my mom back  although even the idea of breathing was becoming more and more of a burden l was feeling suffocated from within but if there was one thing l learnt from my mom it was always defying all odds and standing proud nomatter what the situation  could be

Only my eyes could tell the unknown tales of the misfortune of my life to those who were patient enough to pay a closer look , as always we might try to laugh as much as we can but as usual the eyes always gives way telling the hidden tales of the mind

For them l will accept  what they want me to accept  now it was time to play the game as per their cards now l was clearly sure whose plan this was , and now l was going to attack when they least expect it


My story is a little bit slow paced so bear with me and enjoy the writing ,loving the fact that you are giving Albertina a chance to listen to her story 

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