2. The boy with black holes for eyes

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He had a dark soul

His eyes were black holes

And she got sucked in

As he kissed her mouth

We bought the house, all because of me... I saw fear in it, and it gave me a weird vibe that spooked me, and I love that.

Today will be my first day of school, when in fact, it is in the middle of the school year. I get up, and put on some clothes. I grab my bookbag, and head out... I have to walk to school, because I don't have a car, and my parents can't drive me.

It's hot, and humid. Sadly, it kinda looks like it's gonna rain, which will fuck everything up if I have to walk home in the rain.

I see a car drive beside me to the school, whoever is driving it is blasting Nirvana. I give a little smile, and keep walking. The school is 5 minutes away, but for me to walk it is 10 minutes.

I finally am here at this new hell hole.

I walk in with a lit cigarette hanging from my lips. I start to walk past these groups of girls who just stare at me. I now want to bury myself in a hole, and never come out...

'Hey!' She screams 'Student council passed a rule about smoking in public spaces!'

'Second-hand smoking kills' the other bitch says

'I'm new I didn't know.' I drop my cigarette, and step on it

'What the hell is wrong with you!?' She screams while picking up my cigarette 'People sit here! They eat here!'

'You don't know me, why are you doing this?' I say

'Leah's grandmother died of lung cancer,' Leah's friend says 'she takes this stuff pretty seriously.'

'Eat it! Eat it or I'll beat the shit out of you!' Leah screams

'No!' I say

'Come on Leah that's enough...' The quiet one behind Leah says

'No! No,' she spits 'I want to see her eat it!' She then proceeds to grab my head and shove the cigarette in my face.

'NO!' I say try to push her off 'eat it!' She says over, and over again. Then I spit in her face to get away, and run. I run off to class, but turn around just to see the anger in her face, but then I run into someone.

I look up to see a boy with black holes for eyes, and get sucked in. He has dirty blonde hair with a black shirt with stripes on it.

'Fuck, watch where you're going!' I say, well aware that it was my fault I ran into him, but I kinda like it... He feels cold, but at the same time so very nice. God Violet, you just fucking ran into this guy, and your just lying on his chest!

I get off of him, and walk away without him saying a word, and walk into class. We have assigned seats which if you ask me is a fucking stupid idea.

I take a seat, and I'm surprisingly early. I look at the name tag on my desk 'Violet', and then look at the names that tag on the desks to my left and my right. To my left it says 'Alexis', and to my right it says 'Tate'. Well thank god neither of them say 'Leah' on them, but that thankfulness is quickly shattered when I see the boy from before walk in, and sit at the desk to my right...

'Well shit, I guess your Tate...' I say, I'm embarrassed because now I have to sit next to the boy I pissed off... Well at least he's cute

He looks over at my desk 'And I guess you're Violet... I like that name.' He says

'Thanks, Yours is cool too,' I say, but before I could talk more the bell rings, and class has started, and I look over at the desk to my left... Shit! Alexis was the shy girl that was behind Leah!

Nothing else really happened in L.A., except for the fact that Tate was staring at me the whole time throughout class... It was weird, and I kinda liked it...

'Hey!' Alexis says as I'm walking to class. Breaking me out of my trance.

'Hey.. Why are you talking to me?' I ask.

'I guess I just wanted to say sorry for what Leah did. She can be crazy, but she is my friend.' She says looking down.

'More like your minion.' I mumble.

'I guess, well is there anything you like about school so far?' She asks as I stop by my locker.

'Not really..' I say backing away from her. She is getting too close for my liking.

'Ok, well are there any cute guys you have your eye on?' She asks, and I immediately think of Tate. I don't think there will be anything between us, but he is still cute, and not a total loser.

'I guess Tate,' I say trying to hold up a conversation with this girl. I want to try, and make friends, but it is kinda hard for me.

'Really? I mean yeah he's cute, but he's kinda strange..' She says looking down.

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'Well, he isn't mentally stable.. He has had a history of lashing out in class, doing illegal things for the sake of it, and just overall doesn't seem like someone you should mess around with.. Leah likes him, but I don't get it.' Alexis ends, and that only intrigues me.

'What kind of illegal things?' I ask, getting excited to hear what she has to say.

'Well, he vandalizes properties, I one time saw him with a bag of white stuff, but that was a long time ago..' She says, and I get excited. He sounds dark, and I can't help but want to know more.

I walk out of the school, and it is pouring out... Well shit, I survived school, and got repaid with rain, and mud. How flattering...

I start walking, and am already soaked, then I see Tate walk next to me with an umbrella in his hands 'What the hell are you doing?' I ask.

'Well It's raining, so I'm holding this umbrella over your head.' He says, and we both stop. I turn, and look at him.

'Well, I don't think you'll be able to walk me all the way home if you're planning on trying to keep me dry.' I say

'Well..I could give you a ride home...' He says nervously. I don't see a reason not to, other than the fact that he's a weirdo, but I can get past that. I know what Alexis said, but he seems nice, and I would like a ride home.

'Sure, but just warning you my house is the creepy one where all the murders happened, and shit.' I say laughing.

'Ah I know that one,' He says as we walk to his car. And it is the same car I say this mourning that was blasting Nirvana... Well, he has good music taste...

I hop in his car, and we take off. For the first minute, or two it is dead silent, but I want to get to know him better. I opened up the glove compartment to find Ramones, the kinks, and Nirvana Cds along with other bands I somehow didn't recognize.

'Wow, you got good music taste,' I say with a smile, ' Finally someone here who isn't the worst!' He laughs at that, but doesn't protest.

'Do you wanna listen to something?' He says

'Yeah, hm, I guess I'll choose Nirvana, since it is already in the CD player.' I say, turning the CD player on. We sat in silence once again, but this time it was comfortable silence. I look out the window, and I can sense him watching me...

'Why are you watching me?' I ask, trying to seem pissed off by it, but I feel the opposite.

'Because you're beautiful.' He says, then instantly turns to hide his face. I roll my eyes but can feel myself blushing, then lay back down. I don't want to date him, but I do want to get to know him..


'We're here,' He says waking me up. Weird, I didn't realize I was sleeping, or fell asleep. I get up, and see my house outside of the car. I get out, but find that Tate is following me... What the hell is going on?

'Why are you following me?' I ask.

'Oh, I forgot to mention we're neighbors.' He says

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