6. The recordings

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As he touched her thigh

She had to say goodbye

She heard his tapes

And the truth escapes

'Tate! I told you to stay away!' I hear as I wake up. SHIT! Tate, and I wake up to the sound of my father. We off course were sleeping in the same bed, not naked, but still it wasn't looking good for me. I sat up to see my father pissed, and Tate in horror.

'Dad it's not what it looks like!' I say, which is total bullshit, It's exactly what it looks like.

'Violet meet me downstairs. You to Tate!' He says, and I look at Tate in shock.

We walk downstairs to meet with him in the kitchen. Me, and Tate sit across from my dad, and mom is here too, although I don't think she really gives a shit. I hold Tates hand under the table, and I see him smile.

'What the hell did you do to my daughter!' He says towards Tate.

'He didn't do shit dad! I wanted him to cuddle me so he did, case closed!' I yell back.

'Violet I told you to stay away.' He says calmly

'Why?! You weren't like this to Josh, and he was a total dick!' I yell, and I can see Tate get mad when I say that.

'Well he was stable, Tate isn't.' He says calmly

'You think he's gonna lash out on me?! That's it, I'm leaving, come on Tate.' I say getting up, and start walking away while holding Tates hand.

'Come back here you're grounded!' He says pulling my wrist hard. I sit back down looking at my wrist, and Tate puts his hand on my shoulder. 'He can drive you to school, but that's it! If I find you guys together anytime other then that I'll take that privilege away.'

'Is that all..' I say sourly, and so sadly. I don't want Tate to go away, he has been the only good thing about this place.

'No, you will not leave this house on the weekend, and tomorrow, except for when you have to go to school.' He says

'That's insane! Mom, what do you think about this!?' I say

'Honestly, your dad has a point. Tate is mentally unstable, and we don't want you to get hurt.' My mom says, and I can see tears streaming down Tates face. 'And plus you did skip school.'

'This is bullshit! I finally found someone I like in this hellhole, and you won't let me be with him?!' I yell as tears start forming.

'What's done is done, Violet.' He says, and I speed walk out of the kitchen with Tate following behind. Before Tate has to walk out the door I give him a hug. He looks down, and wipes my now falling tears. I give him a kiss, and he kisses back.

'Goodbye Tate.' I say, and he gives a kiss on my forehead.

'Goodbye Violet I'll see you tomorrow.' He says then walks out the door. I start crying again, and run up to my room.

-Next day-

I walk to Tates car to see him smiling at me. I get in, and instantly he gives me a kiss.

'Why are you so happy?' I ask with a little smile.

'Because I have you.' He says, and I blush. He holds my hand, and pulls back instantly.

'Ow fuck,' I mumble.

'What's wrong?' He asks. I almost say 'why the hell do you care?', but then I remember I'm talking to Tate. I pull up my sleeve to show the hand shaped bruise around my wrist. 'Did your dad do that to you?'

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