7. Our first date

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Sometimes two is better than one.

because if one gets hurt the other can heal it.

He is hurt, yet she is an escape

From the hellhole that is life.

We walk into this vintage looking diner. It was small, and empty at the moment, but it had a loving vibe to it. We sit down in a booth, and grab a menu.

'What can I get for you?' A blonde waitress says while chewing on her gum.

'Um, I'll just start off with a water. What about you?' I say looking at Tate.

'I'll take a coke,' He says, then turn to me.

'And I'll take a tall glass of whatever he's having.' She says in a cheap attempt to flirt. 'You free at 5?' She asks, and I can't believe what's happening.

'Excuse me bitch, but he's mine, so take your plastic ass to the kitchen. And by the way you are terrible at flirting.' I say pissed, and she walks away flipping her hair. I look back at Tate to see him chuckling.

'I'm yours?' He asks, and I start blushing.

'Well... I guess we never made it official, but if you want me to be..' I ramble, and he takes my hand.

'Of course, and I would be pissed if some douchey guy tried to flirt with you.' He says, and I smile. The lady from before, then comes out with the waters, and sets them down.

'Ok, are you ready to order?' She asks bitchingly, and I quickly look through the menu.

'I'll take a hamburger with fries.' He says then looks at me.

'I'll just have what he's having.' I say, and she rolls her eyes. She then walks away. 'So why did you choose this place?'

'Because I like it, I like how most of the stuff in here is vintage, and how there are little to no people here. Usually the waitress is an elderly woman, or some nerd. I use to come here to just read, and fun fact I have had every single item on the menu.' He says smiling.

'Really?' I ask smiling.

'Yep, so Violet, what are you planning on doing after highschool?' He asks, and I can tell he's curious.

'Well, don't laugh, but I'm planning on going to art school.' I say looking down in embarrassment.

'Why would I laugh at that?' He asks.

'Because my parents say art isn't a real job, and my ex laughed when I told him.' I confess.

'Well your ex is a total dick, your dad's an asshole, and your mom seems to just follow your dad blindly even if she doesn't agree.' He says

'I know! The bitch finds out my dad cheats on her, and is still with him! And I'm pretty sure she's pregnant!' I say pissed off.

'Wait, your moms pregnant?' He asks

'She hasn't told me herself, but I can tell.' I say, and the waitress walks out with our food, and places the plates on the table. Then she walked away. 'Well what do you wanna do in the future?'

'You.' He sighs calmly, yet still looks down in embarrassment. I wildly blush, but bite my lip to hold back laughter, but then let it out anyway.

'No, I ment job wise.' I say.

'Well, I haven't really thought about it. I mean, I think the only reason to get a job for me, is to pay the bills.' He says looking up into my eyes.

'I can understand that.' I say, then dive back into my food. We eat the rest of the food in silence. It isn't awkward silence, it was more like peaceful silence. We then pay the waitress, and walk out holding hands. 'I gotta go back home. My mom might be home soon.'

'Ok.' He says, then gives me a kiss.


I get home, and mom is in the kitchen.

'Uh, hi mom.' I say awkwardly hoping she forgot about my punishment.

'Hello honey, let me guess you were out with Tate?' My mom asks.

'Mom, you're pregnant are you?!' I ask trying to get off the topic.

'Yes, but that's not the point.' She says

'When were you going to tell me?' I ask

'Well, when were you going to tell me you're still dating Tate?' She asks, crossing her arms.

'I'm done with this conversation.' I say walking away.

'Hey! Come back here, I'm not finished!' She says.

'Well then what do you have to say that's so important?!' I ask.

'I wanted to say, I'm not surprised.' She says, and I stand there confused. 'If you really didn't like him you would have stayed home, and not cared. But I can tell otherwise..'

'So you're not mad at me?' I ask her.

'Well, not really. You guys kinda remind me of me and your father.' She says, Oh fuck.

'Ew, changed my mind. This might not work.' I say jokingly.

'Well the main reason is because my mother and father didn't want me to date a city man. They wanted me to stay in the country.' She says.

'Ah, so does that mean I'm free to date him?' I ask. Please say yes, please say yes!

'Sure hun, but I'm gonna have to convince your father.' She says, and I give a little smile.

'Thanks..' I say softly, then start to walk away.

'One more thing.' Fuck 'Stay protected you don't want to end up pregnant like me!' She yells as I walk away, and I laugh. 

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