13. All for her... (Tates POV)

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I stare at all her beauty as she sleeps. We had a fun time tonight, but of course she got worn out. I can't believe I am so lucky to actually have someone as perfect as Violet fucking Harmon! When she first ran into me I almost couldn't believe she was real, not in a bad way, she was, and is, breathtaking.

I get up to get a glass of water, when I see a familiar face walking by outside.. Leah.. The girl hurt Violet, and no one hurts Violet. I have yet to do anything about the situation, but now is the time. Violet is safe, and asleep, and will not notice that I left for an hour. I put my clothes back on, and walk outside.

'Hello Tate, I see you left your freaky girlfriend to see me.' She says with a smirk.

'What do you mean by freaky.' I say getting pissed.

'Woah chill, you don't actually like that bitch.' I can feel my face burn up from anger, this bitch is gonna get what she deserves.

'I love her, but I came out here to give you what you deserve.' I say, clenching the handle of the knife in my back pocket.

'What that might be?' She asks flirtatiously which makes me sick. I put the knife to her throat, and grab her shoulders, and pull her close to me. 'Holy shit.' She whispers, and I pull her into a dark alley. I slam her against the wall keeping the knife to her throat. 'Why are you doing this to me?' She asks on the verge of tears.

'Because you hurt my Violet, and she doesn't deserve that.' I say.

'Holy shit, you are crazy.' She says with a giggle, while tears are falling from her face.

'Why are you laughing?' I ask slamming her head harder to the wall.

'Because, you are like me.' She says.

'What? I would never be like you, and I would never hurt Violet.' I say protesting.

'Yeah? But you would do anything for her wouldn't you? Do you think about nonstop, think you might die without her, and every touch is a blessing from her?' She asks, and I nod to all of them. 'Then you're like me Tate, I would do anything for you.'

'Well too bad, because I'm going to kill you.' I say, and she laughs through her tears.

'That's what I thought..' And she starts crying harder. 'I just want you to love me..'

'I will never love you, I only love Violet.' I say, and I can see her break right in front of me. Giving up on life all together. 'One more thing Leah, Do you believe in God?' I ask.

'Yes..' She says with her lip quivering. I then slash her throat, trying not to get blood on me, but it sprays on my face. I leave her there to die, and walk back to Violet.

Before I went into her room I washed my face. I walk in trying not to wake her up, but she turns to look at me.

'Where were you?' She asks, still sleepy, and I can see a few strands of hair fall on her beautiful face.

'I went to the bathroom.' I lie, I hate lying to her, but I don't want to worry her. I'll tell her tomorrow when things die down.

'Ok, I was worried you went home.' She says, and lays back down. I walk over to her, and cuddle with her bare body. I nuzzle my face into her soft hair, and smell her sweet shampoo. 'I missed you.' She whispers, then turns around to give me a kiss.

'Me to,' I whisper back, and she nuzzles her face into my chest. 'I love you.'

'I love you too.' And with that she falls into a blissful sleep. 

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