'Goodnight' - Josh & Mully

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by owner 2 - Gee 🐱
Josh & Mully
-AU where boys all live in same house


Josh sat in his room looking at his computer screen editing his video, his eyes glanced from monitor to monitor, his eyelids feeling like rocks, closing slowly as he sunk into a sleep, he groaned opening his eyes and looking back up at the screen, he kept trying to focus on what he was doing, he sighed and pushed his keyboard back and laid his head on the desk, his eyelids got heavy and he slowly drifted off into a sleep.
Mully left the kitchen and walked upstairs holding a bottle of water making his way to his room, he walked past Josh's room calling out a "goodnight cunt" as he always did before he headed to bed, but he didn't get a response, he stopped in his tracks and looked at Josh's door, he stepped back and faced the door he repeated again "goodnight josh-" he gave it a few seconds, still no reply. He walked to the door and opened it slightly looking in
"Josh you awake cunt?" His eyes glanced over Josh's room then to the asleep boy leaning at the desk, Mully chuckled slightly at him, he walked over and set his bottle on the desk then sat josh up, lifting him and carrying him over to his bed an laying him down, he looked over the room for a blanket, lifted one and lay it over josh, he smiled softly at the sight of josh peacefully asleep. He looked over at the monitors "hm- editing" he walked to the desk and looked. He saved the file and turned off the monitors then left the room turning the light off
"Goodnight Josh" he shut the door quietly and walked down the hall to his room.

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