'Roommates' - Eddie x Narrator (smut)

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By owner 1 - Gaege 🍣
Eddie x Narrator
⚠️Slight smut ⚠️

Eddie lay in his bed looking up at the ceiling thinking back to THAT night.
There body's pressed against each other, Eddies neck being smothered in kisses. The hot air and deep breaths mixed with soft moans.
The more he thought about it the more he craved it, the more he just wanted to be with narrator again in that way. He wanted to feel everything he felt that night again.
He looked at the time, he sighed softly and closed his eyes.
'Does he still think about it?" Eddie questioned in his head, that moment play repeat in his head. He lay in bed till he fell asleep.


Eddie groaned as he leaned over lifting his phone and turning the alarm off and laying his head back down onto the pillow. He lay there for a few minutes then sat up, he walked to his closet and got changed and left his room making his way to the kitchen where narrator was already there and awake drinking a coffee.
Eddie walked in the kitchen and looked at him.
Just the sight of him made Eddies heart skip a beat.
Narrator smiled that sweet smile he always did.
"Good morning Eddie" he hummed
Eddie nodded
"Good morning" he smiled back at him.
He walked to the cups and made himself a drink and took a sip of it. He glanced over at narrator who was looking at his phone, he could feel his heart flutter
'God he's so handsome' he thought
Narrator caught Eddie out the corner of his eye looking at him, he chuckled softly
Eddie looked away slightly flustered
The room laid silent for a bit till Eddie spoke up
"So- um what time are we recording.."
Narrator looked at Eddie then at the phone
"Like half a hour"
Eddie nodded
"I'll go set up then, he quickly left the kitchen and made his way to the room

-time skip because I'm lazy-

Eddie and narrator sat in the discord call waiting for the others to join, the call was mostly silent but full of gay tension.
Eddie stuttered soft
"He..hey narrator-"
Narrator not paying attention
"Hm- oh yeh Eddie?"
Eddie looked forward
"Do you ever think back to THAT night..-?"
Narrator stay silent for a while
Eddie looked at narrators avatar in game then spoke
"I miss it- I miss..everything about it- I crave it..I crave you— I..*juicy joined the call* I just didn't know if you did- or if it meant anything- to you..."
Narrator chuckled softly
"If it meant anything to me-? Eddie it meant everything to me- I miss being able to hold you close to me and feeling your body against mine and hearing your sweet moans underneath me- of course I miss it.."
Eddie felt his legs tremble as his face goes a deep red. The call lay silent between the two as the air thickened
Juicy stayed silent not sure what he just overheard.

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