'Pretty Boy' - Mully x Juicy

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By Gaege
Mully x Juicy
It's just crackhead Mully what do you expect..

Juicy walked down the streets, it was around 11pm. His breath could be seen within the air as he walked. Juicy went down the alleyway he normally did, it was the shortcut to his house.
As he walked down the alley he felt as if someone was watching him, his feet picked up speed trying to get out the alley, he never released how sketchy the alley was until he had to walk through it at night.

As he made his way to the exit he felt something pull him back into the alley and shoving him against the wall, Juicy's eyes frantically looked around then at who has holding him against the wall.
A guy, a little taller than him, his eyes almost pasted open with dark eye bags underneath, with a smile pasted across his face, he was in a red stained hoodie, scruffy brown hair, hadn't been washed in ages, him and his clothes.
Juicy tried to push him away before he felt a small sharp poke against his neck, his eyes glanced down to the guy, he had a knife to his neck.
Juicy panicking, trying to figure out what to do.
The guy chuckled softly, then spoke up
"What's a prettyy boy like you doing hereee...all alone..this lateee" his voice chuckling along as he spoke with his words longer spoken.
Juicy stuttered as he spoke
"I- I was just..trying to..walk home-" his voice softly cracking with the sound of panic
The guy chuckled at Juicy's fear, slowly moving the knife away and stepping back slowly
"Stay- move I'll cut ya!"
Juicy nodded staying with his back to the wall
The guy chuckled looking Juicy up and down
"What ya got- money- anything..give"
Juicy's hands shook pulling out his wallet and handing it to the guy.
He took the wallet out Juicy's hand causing him to jump slightly, he shuffled through the wallet pulling money out and chucking the wallet on the floor and stuffing the money into his pocket. He looked back at Juicy and got closer, lifting his head up and taking in the detail of the lighter brown haired boy
"Your..so prettyyy" he chuckled off, extending his words as he checked out Juicy.
Juicy's eyes glanced to the exit of the alley and back at the guy, who was still looking at him, just admiring him
Juicy stuttered out softly
"C..can I please..go—" he said looking at the crackhead.
His deep brown eyes looked into Juicy's blue eyes, the guy stepped closer to Juicy trapping him between the wall and Mully, there eyes still locked on each other. A soft blush, flusters across Juicy's cheeks.
Mully leans in softly, pressing his lips against Juicy's, kissing him slowly and passionately.
Juicy tensed up, but slowly relaxed, kissing back as Mully took ahold of Juicy's hands, holding him close.
Mully pulled back and looked into Juicy's eyes
Juicy blushed a deep red, Mully chuckled slightly, ran his fingers through juicys hair then walked off
Juicy stay there for a while smiling.

The it hit him.
Mully just stole his money then Kissed him.
"Wait— Fuck-"

A/N: lmao hello- I've been working on this for 4 days. I have college so it's hard to update and gee has school. But thanks for 2k reads that's insane!! I love y'all
Gaege 🍣

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