'Cook' - Juicy x Eddie pt 2

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By owner 2 - Gee 🐱
Juicy x Eddie
-AU where they all live together

Eddie wrapped his arms around juicy as they kissed. Juicy smiled between kisses, Eddie chuckled lightly and looked at the brown haired boy softly.
The smell of burning bacon filled the air
"Oh shit" juicy moved away from Eddie and turned the grill off, he looked over at Eddie
"Was the last of the bacon.."
Eddie chuckled slightly
"We can get more tomorrow" he said
Juicy nodded
Eddie lifted his cup and took a sip, he walked over and kissed juicy's cheek
"I'm off to bed"
Juicy smiled and nodded as he watched Eddie leave the kitchen.

Eddie made his way upstairs and over to his room taking a sip of his drink, he glanced over at Josh's door where josh was standing in the doorway
"Oh hey dawg"
Josh nodded and yawned
Eddie looked at josh
"Why are you awake?"
Josh fixed his beanie while replying
"I woke up because I needed a drink and went to the kitchen but you and juicy where there so I left."
Eddie nodded then thought
"Uh..didn't see anything di—"
He was cut off by the shorter boy
"What the kiss, oh I saw it"
Eddie froze and looked at josh
"Oh no— please don't say anything to anyone I'm begging- come on josh-"
Josh blankly looked at Eddie
"I won't say....only if you make me lunch."
Eddie sighed
"Ughhhh fineee-"
Josh nodded and made his way downstairs to continue what he was originally going to do.
Eddie turned and opened the door to his room and walked in putting his drink on the nightstand and laying on the bed and looking up at the ceiling.
He kept thinking back to the kiss, he couldn't get it out his head.
Just the thought of juicy made him want him more. To be able to be in juicys arms again.
He sighed knowing it was probably just a 'in the moment' thing, he rolled to his side.
Still thinking about the kiss.
It's not like he liked him.. right?

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