'wish' - narrator x reader

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By Gee 🐱
Narrator x reader (gender neutral)
🌸 𝒔𝒐𝒇𝒕 𝑼𝒘𝑼🌸

You lay on the sofa, groaning softly as you endlessly flick through tv channels trying to find something interesting to watch. Your eyes glance over to the clock
'1:35 am'
You sit up and make your way to the kitchen and grab a snack and lift your phone from your pocket and scroll down Twitter, reading posts and liking a few things that interest you.

As your scrolling down you see that narrator recently tweeted something out, you read it and smile softly.
You and narrator had been friends for a few years now, he knew almost everything about you and you knew everything about him.
You go to your messages and send him a message

(You: bold
Narrator: normal)

'Hello, why are you up?'
You smile and reply
'I can ask you the same thing'
'Fair, just couldn't sleep'
'Me either. Odd, I've been trying to find a show to watch but they all suck'
'Ha I was about to go on a walk..would you want to join me?'
You smile
'Yes of course!'
'Amazing I'll be round, put something warm on it's cold!'
'I will!'

You put your phone in your pocket and lift your shoes and a hoodie and put them on. As you were fixing your hair and pushing it out your face there was a nock at the door.
You quickly make your way to the door and open, narrator was standing there, he smiled as you opened the door

"Hello" he said in his soft voice
You smile back at him "hello"
He puts his hand out to you for you to take
You take his hand.
Narrator holds your hand and you two begin to walk down the empty streets only lit by the street lamps from above.
The streets are silent only a few cars going by every so often that break the silence of the night.

You two continue to walk into a field where narrator take you up onto a hill in the middle of the field.
As you two make your way to the top, he turns around and looks over the town from the top of the hill.
The lights from windows and the street lamps shine through the darkness of the nights sky.

Narrator sits down then lays back
"Come on..look" he leans his head back
You sit down next to him, then lay back looking up.
It was a clear night, narrator smiled softly as he looked over the stars in the sky.
You glanced over at narrator and smiled. You enjoyed seeing narrator happy.
You looked back up at the stars.

As you lay there for a while just watching the stars, a shooting star goes across the sky.
"Narrator look- a shooting star"
He nods and smiles "yeh. Make a wish"
You nod "you make a wish as well then"
He looks at you with his soft blue eyes.
"I don't need to wish for anything because everything I could wish for is right in front of me."

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