'Roommates'- Narrator x eddie (PT 2)

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By owner 2 - Gaege 🍣
Narrator x Eddie

Juicy spoke up after a while
Narrator felt his heart stop.
Eddie immediately left the discord call. Taking his VR headset off.

"What the fuck-"
*mully joined the call*
"Hey guys"
"Narrator what was that" Gaege spoke again
Narrator stayed silent
Narrator still saying nothing
Mully chuckled slightly
"Umm what's going on-"
*narrator left the call*

"Ok seriously what the fuck is going on"
Mully asked

Narrator took his VR headset off and privet messaged Eddie


No reply

'Eddie are you ok?'

Eddie looked at the message
'Yes I'm ok..just shocked- I'm so stupid I shouldn't have brought it up..'

'Mean i guess. Mostly not in a chat where any of the boys could have joined..just now juicy keeps asking questions..'



Eddie sighed and looked at the boys call
'Join the call with me..'

Narrator looked at the message

They both joined the call

Gaege looked at his screen
"Ok now there back. Ok now seriously answer me. What did I fucking here"

Eddie spoke up
"Well what did you think you heard"
Gaege sighed
"You know what I heard from the fact of you leaving and narrator just being silent."
Narrator spoke
"Well what would it matter what you heard. And if you heard what you heard why would it be such a bother to you."
Gaege though for a while
"It doesn't..but like- I..I'm just curious."

"Well it's none of your business is now Gaege so what you heard doesn't matter and if..IF you know what exactly we were talking about that doesn't matter" Narrator replied back slightly sassy
Juicy stay silent
"Exactly.." Narrator mumbled

The call stay silent for a while until Mully spoke up
"So— anyone know where josh is-"

"No and I don't care" Narrator spoke up
Eddie looked at his screen
The call falls silent again
Until Gaege spoke up
"There was no need to be sassy was there Narrator."
Narrator sighed
"Know what I don't have the energy to film today. Fuck you."
There was a crash as he left the call
Gaege muffled to himself and hang up leaving the call

"Oh fuck—" Mully said

*josh joined the call*
"Sorry I was late I ha- where is Narrator and Gaege thought we were all filming today..?"

"There was a tiny— argument" Mully spoke
"More than tiny" Eddie replied

A/N: lmao hi honestly like this tiny Eddie and narrator series- should I continue it or just have a cliffhanger...

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