'Bully' - Josh x Mully (smut)

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By owner 2 - Gee 🐱
Josh x Mully
⚠️ bullying, smut⚠️
-School AU

Josh sat in class bored out of his mind minding his own business slowly zoning out while the teacher talked on about maths. Josh yawned softly slowly falling asleep as he hadn't got much sleep that night.
He felt something hit the back of his head, he sat up and looked back at the dark brown haired male giggling to his friend behind him, josh rolled his eyes and turned around ignore the boy.
He was sick of his shit. Was Mully and Eddie they had been bullying josh for the past few months at that point and josh was done with them, not sure how much relentless bullying he could take before he snapped at them, but they wanted a reaction out of it, josh found it best to just ignore him.

-After class-

The bell rang and josh lifted his bag and made his way out of class as he walked down the hall making his way to his next class.
Josh felt as if someone was behind him but ignored it and walked on until he hit the floor.
"Ah-" josh sat up and looked back at Mully, who was laughing at him
Josh sighed and stood up, brushing dirt off his clothes and turning around and walking

Mully chuckled to himself
"Awww where you going josh- come back...josh going off to cry? Hmm baby joshhy"
Josh continued to walk as Mully continued to insult him
Jos stoped walking and turned back making his way to Mully, he dropped his bag and shoved Mully down kicking him in the d!ck
Mully scoffed
"Ah-! You little shit-"
Josh looked at him,pissed
"Oh really Mully I'm the little shit?! Seriously! You've pushed me, kicked me, shove me around like I'm..nothing! Big surprise Mully it's not fucking funny! You just look like a right saddo taking out your anger on another kid-"
Mully looked up at josh and chuckled
"That won't do anything idiot.."
Josh lifted his bag, hit Mully with it and walked away.

Few days went by, still 'normal' by normal means mylly was still teasing him relentlessly.

Josh walked down the halls till he felt something pull his bag back and pull him into a closet.
He got pushed against the wall and kisses placed against his neck.
Josh panicked and pushed back the person looking at him
He was cut off by Mully putting his finger over his mouth
"Shhh- Just...shhh..god- I want to fuck you so bad-"
Josh felt his face go red, he just looked at the taller male.
Mully sighed softly, looked at josh
"Can I-"
Josh stuttered our a reply after silence
"Wh-What no- the fuck you think you are—"
Mully let go of josh
Josh stepped away from Mully, looking at him.
They looked at each other for a while, before Mully pulled Josh in and kissed him, Josh hesitantly kissed back.
They stay there for a while just kissing, Josh relaxed in the kiss slowly letting Mully use his tongue to explore josh's mouth before pulling away and looking at josh.
Josh blushing like mad looked up at Mully and smiled softly.
Mully smiled before going back and kissing down from josh's jawline to around his neck and softly biting. Josh held onto Mully, letting out small soft moans. Mully bit harder on a spot causing josh to moan a little louder, Mully smiled between kisses going back to that spot and attacking it with kisses and softly leaving a mark on his neck, he pulled back, looked at josh and kissed him then left the closet.
Josh left stood in the room confused on all that happened, he slumped down the wall and held his neck

A/N: honestly I've never written smut it something like this before and I'm decently- pleased?? Definitely not something I'd post but hah fuck it! Enjoy!

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