'Cuddle' - Josh & Juicy

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By owner 1 - Gaege 🍣

Josh & Juicy
-AU they all live in the same house


Josh lay on the sofa looking at his phone that he held above him, he had his headphones plugged in, he listened to some music and hummed alone softly. He scrolled through Twitter reading random bullshit that was posted liking a few tweets that managed to make him smile. As he endlessly scrolled through the app he felt a pressure above him, he moved his eyes from his phone to look at what it was, josh's baby blue eyes met with the turquoise of juicy's. He smiled lightly "hey juicy..you ok?" He looked confused on why he laid on him. Juicy just wrapped his arms around josh's body and rests his head on his chest, Josh smiled at the sight of the brown haired boy laying on him. He leaned back and continued to scroll on Twitter as juicy eyes flickered closed becoming sleeper, he let out a soft yawn as he snuggled his head into Josh's chest, Josh looked down from his phone and back at the brown haired boy, he put his phone down and wrapped his arms around juicy. Juicy smiled softly as he felt josh holding him, he left safe around josh, he let out a sleepy smile as he slowly drifted off into a sleep.

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