'staying' - juicy x reader

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By Gaege 🍣
Juicy x (gender fluid) reader

You and juicy had been dating for about 7 months now, you met him through your childhood friend, josh.
You and josh had been friends since you were 5. You guys basically did everything together, he knew everything about you and you knew everything about him. You and josh would always meet up with josh on Fridays to chat.
Juicy was normally off with you meeting josh and hanging out till late.
You just brushed it off because you were happy with juicy and knew nothing would come from you being friends with josh.

You were getting ready to leave the house to go and meet with josh to get a drink together, you lifted the house keys from the side and fixed your beanie, when you felt two arms wrap around you, you look back to see juicy holding you.
"Don't go-" he muffled
You chuckle softly and smile "why don't you want me going?"
He looked at you then looked down "just..I want you here...for me-"
You smile a little and kiss his cheek, he looks at you
"So you're staying..."
You look at him "you know I always go out on Friday-"
He nods "I know ju-"
You cut him off "just what..baby we've been dating for 7 months..you know I'm not leaving you. I promise that..josh is just my friend."
Juicy looks at you "I know- I know...just...I..overthink and...think you will-"
You hug him "oh baby.."
You look at him "ok ok..I'll stay tonight with you..we can cuddle and watch a movie..how about that?"
He smiles and nodded.
You take his hand and make the way to the sofa, you both sit down, you lean on him and he puts his arm around you, holding you close.
He puts a movie on.
You two cuddle and watch the movie till you both fall asleep in each other's arms.

A/N: hi! I'm less proud of this but idk...anyway..enjoy

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