'Dream' - Juicy x Mully

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By owner 1 - Gaege 🍣
Juicy x Mully
⚠️ lowkey sad ⚠️

Mully lay in the bed, his eyes slowly open, he yawns softly as he rolled over to look to his sleeping boyfriend, who wasn't there.
"Hm- Gaege...?"
He sat up slowly and looked around the room for him, he rubbed his eyes and turned the lamp on.
He got up from the bed, his feet touching the cold wooden floor. He walked sleepily out the room walked down the hall.
"Gaege?" He called out softly, he walked to the living area and looked around, still no sign of his boyfriend.
He looked over at the balcony door to a figure standing on there, he walked over and opened the door, the cold Morning air hitting him, he shivered slightly
Gaege turned around to look at his sleepy boyfriend, he smiled softly
"Hey..why are you awake-"
Mully walked over and looked at him
"I could ask you the same thing."
Gaege smiled and looked back over the morning city light.
"Just watching the sunrise.."
Mully nodded and looked over the city.
"It's pretty isn't it.." Gaege said leaning his head on Mullys shoulder.
Mully nodded as he put his arm around Gaege
"Yeh..almost as pretty as you"
Gaege chuckled slightly, he looked at Mully and smiled softly.
"I love you so much.."
Mully looked at him
"I love you too.."
he pulled him in a kissed him softly
Gaege kissed back and smiled
Mully chuckled softly as they stood and watched the sunrise.

The world slowly started to fade around Mully
Until he opened his eyes and looked around his room.
Clothes on the floor, messy desk. Just generally a messy room.
He looked next to him where Gaege would lie.
Mully sighed softly as he sat up and got out of bed, he looked at the picture of him and Gaege on the bed side table. He lifted it and looked at the picture for a while before throwing it halfway across the room, the picture frame smashing. He walked out the room and made his way to the kitchen, looking in the fridge for something to eat, nothing.
He sighed and looked at his phone.

15 missed calls from Josh
25 messages from josh
3 missed calls from Eddie
12 missed calls from Narrator
5 messages from Narrator

He put his phone down and sighed, leaning on the counter.
It had been 2 weeks since him and Gaege broke up, he hadn't responded to any of the boys calls, messages, discord calls or had posted anything on his Twitter, Instagram and mostly YouTube.
He hadn't touched his VR headset since the breakup.

Mully couldn't bring himself to do anything in those two weeks, he just wanted Gaege, he wanted him, he needed him. But Gaege didn't want him..

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