'Roommates' - Narrator x Eddie pt3 (smut)

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By owner 2- Gaege 🍣
Narrator x Eddie
⚠️ Smut ⚠️

"More than tiny" Eddie replied
"Yeh-" Mully answered back
"Oh shit- what about-" josh spoke up
Eddie said nothing

"I still don't know about that" Mully replied
"Oh..fuck—should just us record let- whatever happened between them...cool off-" josh said
"Yeh let's do that.." Eddie said.
Mully agreed

They recorded the video playing a horror map.

Josh laughed as he turned off the recording.
Mully slumped in his chair
"I- I'm never playing another horror map with any of you- ever"
Eddie chuckled
"That wasn't half bad"
Josh looked at his screen
"Wasn't half bad- mate I think I shit myself"
Eddie laughed "you two are just pussys"
"Says the one who screamed in Spanish half the time" Mully spoke back
Josh laughed slightly "yeh"
"Oh shush.." Eddie responded.
Mully laughed a bit
"....I'm going to see if narrators ok.."
Mully nodded "ok..ok I'll message juicy see how he's doing."
Eddie nodded "talk in a bit"
He hung up the call and left the room making his way to narrators room.
He opened the door and looked in
He wasn't there
Eddie left the room and walked to the living room
"Not here...narrator where are you."
He walked to the kitchen
"Oh there you are..are you doing alright.."
Narrator looked over, he nodded softly taking a sip of his drink

"Still annoyed at juicy..?" Eddie asked.
Narrator nodded again
Eddie nodded back
The room go silent
"Not talking.." Eddie asked
Narrator looked at him "I am..just didn't want to then"
"Oh ok ok." Eddie said while making his want to get a drink.

Narrator put his drink down and looked at Eddie
Eddie looked at Narrator
Narrator walked over and pulled him in and kisses him softly
Eddie kissed back, wrapping his arms around him
Narrator lifted Eddie up and moved him so he was pinned up to the wall.
Narrator started to attack Eddies neck with kisses and soft bites around his neck, then going at his sweet spots causing eddie to let out soft moans
Narrator pulled eddies shirt off and kissed down along his collar bone, biting around softly leaving more love bites over his body.
Eddie moaned softly as his lips touched his body, his face all red.

They continued for a while, narrator moved Eddie over to the counter and unzipped Eddies trousers pulling them and his boxers down, then leaning down and sucking on Eddies cock. Eddie let out moans.
Narrator continued to suck getting faster until Eddie came.
He stood up and smiled, looking at Eddie
"God I love you so much.."

A/N: I never really write smut so this was awkward and I hate it- lmao...enjoy I guess:)

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