'Questions' - Josh x Juicy

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By owner 2 - Gaege
Josh x Juicy
⚠️ small smut mention ⚠️

It had been a few days since juicy had been staying over with josh in Australia. He enjoyed hanging out with josh, like really enjoyed it.
He felt at home around Josh, Juicy just saw it as a friend thing, like he enjoys hanging out with Mully, Eddie and narrator, but he preferred Josh's company.
Juicy was planned to head back to America in a few days but honestly Juicy didn't want to leave.

Juicy snapped out of his daydream and looked him over at josh, who was focused on driving, he looked out the window and watched the passing world.
After 30 minutes of driving josh parked up on the hill and opened the door getting out. Juicy got out the car.
Josh stretched then climbed up onto the hood of the car and sat on it
"Come on..watch the sunset with me"
Juicy nodded and sat on the hood of the car next to josh.
Josh looked over the valley and watched the sun set. Juicy looked over the valley then he glanced over at josh who was more focused on the view, he felt his stomach flutter. That was a new feeling, especially around josh. Juicy brushed it off and looked back at the valley.
They sat on the car watching the sunset till it turned dark.
Juicy looked over at josh, his stomach still feeling the same way.
Josh looked at juicy and smiled
Juicys heart fluttered
Josh got off the hood of the car
"Should we get home?"
Juicy nodded
"Yeh yeh" he said as he got off the hood.
They both got in the car and josh started the car
Juicy looked at josh, josh glanced at juicy as he stared to drive.
A light blush came to Juicy's cheeks as josh looked at him.
He looked back out the window into the distance. Still feeling that way about josh.
He wasn't sure if it was a crush or just a friend thing.
His mind started to wonder as he went back into a daydream state

Josh pinning him down on the sofa, juicy softly moaning as josh attacked his neck with love bites.

His mind sat on that image of the two.

"Juicy..juice hey dude"
Juicy snapped out of it and looked over at josh
Josh laughed a little
"I was going to stop off at McDonald's, want anything"
Juicy looked at josh feeling off from what he thought of josh doing to him, but he answered josh's question
"Oh yeh..yeh I'll just have a Big Mac"
Josh nodded and pulled to the McDonald's

Juicy questioned in his head why he thought that about josh, they were just friends, and both straight, though those thoughts made him question himself with how much he wanted to experience that with josh.
But wasn't like he had a crush on josh or anything, was it?
After all they were best friends..
But maybe juicy wanted more than that.

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