'Kingdom' Josh x Mully

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By Gaege 🍣
King Josh x Mully

Josh stood at the gates of his once beloved kingdom. Mully stood back a bit from josh, watching him. The smoke travel through the burned out trees and rubble of the blown up houses.
Josh's eyes glanced over town.
Black with soot and smoke. The burned down houses and shops. Destroyed farms and dead animals. The castle on top of the hill, still smoking from the fires.
He let out a soft sigh.

Mullys eyes focused on the blonde haired boy, before speaking up
"We should probably get going..the smoke- won't be good for you...let's get somewhere safe" mullys priority's still being ok to keep josh safe and well.
Josh nodded slightly, he did his jacket up before turning to face Mully, he smiled softly at him.
Mully smiled back gently, a soft blush coming across his face, he got that soft feeling again in his heart, but he pushed it away. Josh was his boss after all.
"Come on sir" Mully said
"Yeh" josh replied back and walked to Mully "you know you don't have to call me sir..just call me josh."
Mully nodded "ok..josh"
Josh smiled softly, liking hearing his own name instead of 'sir' and all that fancy stuff.

They both walked through the woods. Making there way back to where josh way staying.
Mully staying close to josh.
Mullys eyes darted down towards josh's hand.
Josh caught on to where Mully was looking, he smiled softly and took mullys hand and continuing to walk.
"It's a shame..isn't it..." josh spoke up
"What is?" Mully replied, who wasn't paying attention
"That the town burned down...so many deaths and injury's." Josh said softly
"Oh..right yeh the fire..a real shame.." Mully replied back
Josh nodded before laughing a little
Mully looked at josh
"Why are you laughing—" Mully questioned
"I was being sarcastic mul..I don't actually care"
"What...why..though you..liked the kingdom..and..it all-"
"What no..I fucking hated it. It was a living hell..all that fancy king stuff isn't me.. like the get married to a queen..own a kingdom..all that bullshit"
"So— What..are you goi—" Mully said before getting cut off
Josh looked at Mully "I wanna fun away with you..I want to..explore and live life..be free- I want to do it with you"
Josh nodded
"Yeh..could be a cool..friend thing—"
Josh smiles "I want it to be a more than friend thing mul! I want to..run off- far away and get a cottage with..animals around and it be in the middle of the forest..and we can grow old together.. like— I love you mul...I always have- that life..isn't me— it's too straight I..just—" he was cut off by Mully
"Just shut up and kiss me" Mully said before pulling josh into a kiss. Josh kissed back, Mully held josh close, holding the kiss.
They stood there for a while, kissing in the light of the mood.

Before interrupted by a light shining on them

A/N: part two?? Maybe if you want it :)
Trying to keep posting on this book as well sorry for the wait!
Also 9k reads?! WHAT THE FUUUUUU- this mental thank you all so much!! We all really appreciate it :)
And love you guys.
Hope you Enjoyed 🙂
- Gaege 🍣

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