what's your Identity?

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Cyra wakes distressed after the surgery.. Sees two vague shapes through blurred vision.

Cyra in tender low voice " Where am I?"


Malhotra family meets inconsolable grief of Cyra disappearance and filed complain


Next day, Cyra wakes up..

Warm blanket gave me a cosy feel. But the bright light around with scary monitory screen gave me anxiety.

Widened my eye balls starring the magnificent room interior.

Widened my eye balls starring the magnificent room interior

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" Am I dreaming" Cyra rubs her eyes ...

Feeling pain and distresd, I somehow dragged myself to the restroom..

Lost my grip while reaching the towel hook.

Strong arms embraced my waist.

Man with deep sparking eyes  "Are you ok?..."

I was stunned and he carried me.

"You will be fine, nothing to worry" " how can they leave you alone" Sid in worried tone

He was still holding my hand, sudden voice " what happened"
I got swayed by his charm and came back to senses and took off my hand..
He came closer to calm me down but pushed him away ..

I hit him when he moved closer not to be swayed again.

Sid holds my wrist tight. Immediately, i stamped his foot ...

" Don't you dare come near me...first let me know where I am..."
"what is this place...what have you done to me..."
"who are you and let me go, why have you kidnapped me" says Cyra in deep scared tone holding her breath.

Meanwhile, doctor and caretaker arrived.

They tried to calm me down. I being in strange place panicked and threw pillows at them.

Atlast , Sid pull her down the bed and bring situation into control

" You are not kidnapped...you got your shoulder hurt... Since we did not know your identity and found no one reported you missing... we took you home after the surgery..."
" Uffh...she is stronger ! Beats and treats us as scammers"  says Sid annoyed

Doctor ask me to calm down and examine my health...

Sudden blow startled me to ask "where am I...? Where are my parents..pa ..ma?"

Arnav explained about the party attack and  thanked her saying "We both survived because of you"

" We are really thankful and let us know what you need" says Arnav politely...

Sid in cold voice "Give her monetary compensation, find her home and get rid of her"

Seeing his arrogant face I threw pillow at him.
"Did you hurt your head as well?" Sid annoyingly.

" Sid stop being harsh" " I apologise on his behalf..he is a sociopath" says Arnav politely

"We were unable to trace your identity through party guest visit ledger" says Arnav in serious worried tone

"How did you enter the gate without giving invitation pass" Sid enquires in cold tone..

"Or are you one of them" before Sid completes it in sacarstic tone..

Cyra in mad tone "how dare you frame me?, Are you cop? Who the hell are you to investigate me?

"And being mean to the person who saved your life"  says Cyra in annoyed tone.

"Check the VIP list..it was my mom's friend Mrs Chowdary who organised the party.." says Cyra in upright tone

" Who the hell is Chowdary" "Party organiser is my aunt Mrs.Raizada" says Sid in louder tone.

"Need..lot of missing spots! From my perspective you are the first suspect" Says Sid in meaner tone

'No such type like Cop? We abide through Detective Judicial System.

"Are you crazy" " Private Detectives agencies cannot investigate public" " stop your nonsense" Says Cyra in angry tone and then turn towards Arnav

" I'm Cyra..and my address ... " Sudden concussion made me to faint

" Mam, are you ok" " Doctor? " Arnav panicked

"Became unconscious due to concussion, let she rest" says doctor

" Ask our team to search on the given details and trace her identity" says Sid

Sid turn and gazed her.

" Was she spying" "looks like a trouble personality" Sid in sacarstic tone

" Don't be meaner, let the call come first

After 10 minutes

Investigation team over the call " no such person in and out of the city. Should we check list from tourist or migrant list?".

" Check it" says Arnav hanging up.

Informs and handover her sling bag which Cyra carried.
Sling bag contained Few wooden micro art stuff, bicycle key, diary and her college I'd card...

Sid in confused tone...
" What's your identity"
" Who are you"
"How did you enter" ..
" Why did you save us"
"Who sent you? "

Upcoming EP: Let's see how Cyra identity opens the truth ..

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