Under one roof !

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It's past twelve o'clock, trapped in cold dense forest. Creaked sound between the trees. Cyra breathed deeply scared and grabbed Sid's arm. He felt her breath back of his neck and sat stiffened.

Sid ( inner voice trembled) : "And who might that be?"

Between the puffed white smoke deep gruff voice said : " Who are you? What you are up to?"

White haired Old Lady held her lantern approached with slow and unsteady steps wearing Sheep-skinned-coat with broad-brimmed hat and hiking boots .

Cyra ( relaxed) : " Uffh! I was scared to death"

Cyra ( stood and moved forward) : Hello Grandma, I'm Cyra, we actually got lost. We are glad that we saw you. Can you help us?

Old lady deep sight scared him.

Sid (at once grabbed her hand and whispered) :
" Are you crazy? Just randomly asking help from strangers?"

Cyra ( gave a sacarstic sigh , pulled her hand back) : "Even you are stranger" "Stay away, I have to stay alive, so stop your jabber talk"

Old lady ( with inquisitive gaze) : " Are you among those merciless hunter's?"

Cyra ( politely in haste) : " No grandma, we are just ordinary people, can you show us some place to stay for a night, since it's getting cold"

Sid (with impolite sigh): " Who are you? Why are you wandering in this dark forest?"

" Knock off your Detective questions! Be polite" Cyra hits his head.

That's enough to make one's head to whirl!

Sid annoyed: " What? What the hell was it?

Suddenly, old lady's dog trotted forward to sniff him

Old lady ( worried tone) :" My dear zippy, you are here!"

Both blinked against each other and understood it was her dog.

Cyra scared, jumped over and bumped against his head when zippy approched her

Cyra (screamed while sensing her wound has opened): " Ouch,! It hurts"

Her shoulder wound bleeded profusely, old lady conceded them to stay in her place. Both abode inside the shabby cottage located across the valley.

Old lady (showed them the place) : "You both can use this room. And dare not go inside my room" ( which was located opposite to their room)

Sid ( annoyed) : " What? I can't stay with her"

Cyra : " Stop jabbering around like a kid! Can't you see, there are only two rooms"

Sid (sacarstic look towards her and whispered with fumbled lines) : " Are you not worried? I mean...You and me..Under one roof!"

Cyra ( mocked): " What era do you belong in?" "Grow up!"

He stiffened his back and walked out.

Old lady ( in soft voice):"Change you clothes, you have blood stain on it" "Predators can smell blood" "I have kept the blankets there" "Will bring you some effective herbs"

Cyra ( with smile) : " Thank you grand ma for letting us to stay"

Old lady smiled and marched out.

He (mumbles) :" Such a crazy chit-chat""Asking me to grow up"

Sighed at him, old lady kicked his leg from behind.

Old lady (high-pitched voice) : " Young people these days are hectic! You, give her those herb"

He screamed in lagging tone : " Why? Why it's me?"

Old lady( said and left with her pet) : "Both don't belong here" "Fix it together" "I have to take zippy for a walk"

Sid eyes widened and stood still looking at his watch :
" Is she ghost or something, it's past 1 AM " "Uhhh...I could feel the goosebumps rising on my arms"

He rushes inside.

Entered in without knocking the door :
" Oldie is suspicious and you are not scared"

And remembered her last words and said
" What the hell was it "Both don't belong here" "Fix it to......""

Before he completes, he find her changed into a sleeveless top and he stood still

Cyra (embarrassed and immediately grabs the blanket from the bed where she sat): " What ? What are you doing here?"

His skin froze until it was pink.

He fumbled with blinking eyes : "Oldie....herbs..zippy...walk"

Looking him frozen, she got annoyed further in a high-pitched voice :
"Are you some kind of pervert? Turn !"

He came back to senses and turned back.

She exhaled heavily in awkwardness "Where is Grand ma? She said she will bring herbs and apply it"

Sid ( confused and scared tone) :
"Pervert? "
"How can you accuse me?
"That odd oldie, gave these herbs since she took zippy out" " How will I know?" "And you?"

He then starts to murmur :"You are crazy weirdo, do you own this room yourself? " "Wearing stuffs like this when a man is beside."
"It's cold and how long will I stay out"
"Why are you mean?"

Cyra ( with clothed blanket in annoyed tone) : "Person who is mean and pervert is only you"

Cyra ( again senses pain over shoulder) :
" Ahhh...Why does it hurt?"

He rushed, sat near her and holded her palm: "Show it?"

She banged his head with the pillow.

"Pervert!" " How dare you?" She said in a constrained voice.

He rolled down the bed : " What the?"

She'd tried to change the bandage on her own but could not reach.

He (grabbed her wrist) : "Listen, you have to patch up the wound or it might get infected. I just feel guilty, since you got hurt while saving me..Just want to pay you back..."

Sid in low worried tone " Let me seal the wound"

Pain crippled down her shoulder and she had no option but let him cover it. She managed to nod and closed her eyes.

She trembled when he pushed her hair over one shoulder and he slightly removed the blanket and gently wrapped the wound.

Sid : "It's done!" " I will turn back"
"So ...put on your clothes"

After 15 minutes of silence, Sid broke the silence.

Sid ( spoke while he made his cot) : " Have to keep wary look on the oldie!"

Cyra ( in grumpy tone) : "Stop being a scared cat, better sleep!"

Sid ( murmured and closed his eye) : "Only ghost will walk in forest during night" "I hope you have ghosty dreams. Sleep tight!"

Both drift off to sleep.

Warm streak light escaped from the window. It was almost 5 o' clock in the morning. Seeing him fallen asleep. She quitely stood and walked in tiptoe.

Upcoming EP: Will this be the right loop to escape from Sid? Watch ahead for the next post!

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