Into his Secret!

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   After he reached home, Sid got annoyed seeing her playing with his pet bird. On other side, Mrs. Maliga Malhotra set her way to protect Oberai Firm.


While sleeping, Cyra tossed and turned over  as her family memories flashed.

Thunder rattled and Lightening lit the room and woke her towards the window.

She leaned out and found a black rain coat man holding garden shovel. It thrilled and scared her. She ran out in bare foot to check.

Cyra( with widened eye) approched the man and found him lean against the wall and tucked his hand behind his back.

Cyra ( relaxed): " Uffh! You scared me half to death."

Sid sank into ground and squated beside her, holding his shovel.

She( got scared and rushed to help him with Concerned tone) :
"Are you okay?"

The rain trickled down her back neck.
Reached to hold his arms, he leaned his head back and looked up where the tears coursed down his cheeks unchecked.

His distress eyes took her mind back to her dark memories happened infront of the Old library under freezing cold rain.

She knelt down beside him and before she tried to call for help.

Cyra ( inner voice _curiously_ turned towards the soil suface near him):
" What did he hid under it?"

His eyes blurred and wrapped his arms around her and rested his cheek against her thin shoulder.

Cyra (widened eye_shocked_ Inner Voice) :

"He don't have smell of alcohol! Has he really fainted."

"I should take him inside and ....need to check on what he burried beneath"

She encircled his arm around her neck. She carried him through the hallway to his bedroom. 

She rested him in his bed and he immediately slept so soundly.

Cyra ( Inner Voice_ gave quizzical sigh) :

" Who are you? Do you have nightmare while it rains too ?"

" You seem to be different everytime"

" Mr.Grumpy most of the time! You sometimes care, protect! Threatening atimes and a cry baby too!

( Cyra small smile crossed her lips and immediately had a concerned sigh)

" But , it's strange, I can feel your pain in your eyes". " What happened?"  ( Sighed and she left the room)


Arnav ( Over the call): " Yup! I understand completely, Keep the Krishdev harbour murderer and suspect well guarded!"

Then, he passed near a cafe and found few following.

Arnav :" Omg! I din bring my gun. I left it in the office"

He ran in haste and found them following too. Suddenly, he stopped and turned towards them.

Arnav ( swallowed and acted bold to cover his frightened look): " Look, if anything is there, let's violence"

He slowly pressed SOS to reach Sid. And meantime he took his paper cutter knife out from his pocket, which he always carries with him.

Car crossed, few strangers grabbed him in and blindfolded him.

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