Chapter 5

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For some weird reason i got up, it's like i couldn't control myself. But as soon as i saw all the people starring at me my heart plumeted WHY??? I thought to myself. I couldn't help but glance at Chloe and Charlie they were both sniggering. Then I saw Chad, on of Tylers bestfriends he almost looked worried for me.

As i started to makeup my report all of a sudden i couldn't make a sound my lips were frozen and my brain had a major mental blank. 'You did do the report Beverly, didn't you?' Mr Blake asked inquisitivly. 'Ummmmmm.' Was all i good get out.

Here goes nothing I told myself.

'The .............Ancient Egyptians, were very urghh ummmm intelli'......................

Nothing else came out, out of my mouth anyway.


My mouth had dropped, my heart had sank much lower than before, i couldn't help but feel humiliated. I ran out of the classroom in tears, as i shut the door behind me i had a quick glance at the class and almost everyone were in stitches laughing. My cheeks were burning, i must have felt like 40 degrees.

By the time i got to the bathroom howls of cries were coming from me. Questions were buzzing through me like,

Will they still be friends with me?

Will they tell anyone?

Why didn't Bella come after me to see if i was okay?

Was she laughing too?


I few minutes later i heard the bathroom door open, so i went out of my stall hoping to see Bella. It wans't her. My shoulders slumped and I felt like i was about to burst into tears.

The person who did come though was this weird short girl who never really said much. ' okay?' She asked in a tiny squeek. 'Do I look okay!' i snapped back 'Wheres Bella?' I asked. 'Ummm I don't know she said. Ohh great, we weren't the bestest friends but i thought she'd at least have my back i thought grudgingly.

BRNNG! BRNNG! 'Thank goodness' i cried. 'Now i can go home and forget about it all. Damn!! I've got stupid babysitting.  Oh um thanks for coming by the way. 'No problem', she squeaked.

As I made my way back to my locker i felt everyones eyes on me, subconsiously i knew they werent but i couldnt help but feel that way.

As I took the train home, (because i go home then i go babysitting) I had to sit there all alone, the whole way. I have honestly never felt so alone in my life. I knew it wasn't her fault but I still got a little mad because i was always there for her whenever she needed me.

But I knew Mia would be at swimming so i could tell her then. That made me feel a little better.

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