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Sabine's POV

We are scouting the mountains and we see many strange outposts with loads of mandalorians but we know that we're not welcome as when we landed nezt to one we saw instead of around 25 troops there were 150 mandalorians with a strange clan insignia.
"Ok we tried the mountains but, nothing we tried  old John's but he said he only saw him 3 months ago with a jedi, clones and mandalorians with the same insignia but different markings and now let's go to the main city" Kanan says doing a recap of what we did in the last day as we speed to the fields on the outskirts of the city.
"Ok we're here we have to divide into 2 groups to search the city" Hera says as I go with her and Chopper.
"Where are we going Hera?" I ask curiously "we are going to the south and western parts of the city then we are going to go to Ezra's old tower" she explains as i see many buildings that have been destroyed as I also see many mandalorians and clones looking at us and it hits me
"Hera the city is warzone on the north and east there's the empire and in our side there's the strange clan that's liberating the world" I say looking around us as Hera speaks into her comm "Guys come to our side because on yours there's the empire" as we hear a short static as we hear a response "ok Hera we're coming" Kanan says as we soon after see them running towards us.

"Ok Hera what should we do the rebellion is waiting for us" he says outloud as every single soldier around us took out their guns and stunned us immediately...

A few hours later

"Ugh" I groan as I find myself on the floor as look around to see Kanan and Hera awake with a deactivated chopper and a sleeping Zeb. Bothell Kanan and Hera were wide eyed and didn't even try to notice me when I tried to call them.
"Kanan, Hera?" I say but nothing
"Kanan" nothing
"Hera" nothing
"Kanan!" I say raising my voice but nothing as I shout
"KANAN AND HERA WILL YOU EVEN TRY TO RESPOND TO ME CALLING YOU FOR FUCKS SAKE!" as they turn towards me with pale skin gesturing me to look to my right as I comply and see the mandalorian lord and his troops turn towards me as he says "Wren" in a poisonous voice that I recognize.

"Wait is that...EZRA!" I shout as he looks towards me and nods to the jedi and the soldiers next to them as they  take off their helmets.

All except Ezra

"Master Skywalker? Rex? Ezra?" Kanan says as Hera and I look at him confused as he explains "master Skywalker is the strongest force used in the history of the galaxy but I feel a very dark presence eminate from Ezra" as he look towards us to reveal a pale white face with red triangles for eyes and sharp teeth as his armor transforms into long black robes with black smoke leaking out from him as the room around us turns into darkness as all that can be seen is Ezra, the soldiers and us as Zeb wakes up saying.

"Yoooooo hu' tah hell is tis bloke?" As we all, he ghost crew, stutter"it...it's Ezra" "wait WHAT. Wh...wh...what the fuck happened to you!" He shouts as Ezra responds in a dark voice " I have changed and I have become more powerful than ever now you shall leave I WILL have you killed by my hands" this leaves us stunned as Hera finally speaks up "why Ezra? Why?" " you abandoned me I hate you all you could've helped me you could've come back in the days that I suffered but no you left now you leave!" He shouts as we get pushed out of his throne room as we pass by: a war room, a storage room, forges and barracks, training areas, a main area and living quarters as we then find ourselves outside of Ezra's old tower.

"What do we do?" I ask wanting to be with my Ezra
"I'm sorry Sabine but we can't do anything. Let's just stay with the rebellion then let's try with Ezra" Hera says as we go to the Ghost which had been parked in front of us as we speed away to Yavin 4...

Yo guys next chapter will come out as soon as possible but for now ima hit ya with a YEET!

revenge of the mandalorian part 1Where stories live. Discover now