siege of mandalore part 1

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Ezra's POV

i know that the rebels are hiding with clan wren on krowsnest so i will attack with the escorts and the transports while I'll leave my commander Slade to command my forces on Mandalore and I'll leave Admiral Strag to the imperials but i have business with the mandalorians so I have broken apart the mandalorians that should've attacked Mandalore and i took the one's in a clan and my own with me as help to coerce the other clans to join us and if not then we will make them surrender and follow our lead by be-heading the leader as is the way of the mandalore.

"alright boys we'll first conquer the clans:wren,fett,awaud,kryze,saxon, eldar,farr,chorn and cadera as they are the strongest then we will take over the other clans but firstly we must confront the wrens so lets go par Manda'yaim!" "par Manda'yaim!" they cheer as the ships enter the atmosphere we have 250 kom'rk class fighters that are transporting our men each holding 12 mandalorians and 300 escort fang class ships with 25 republic light and heavy cruisers escorting us with 3 venators up in orbit to cover us.

"sir we're under heavy fire" the pilot says as the ship starts shaking while i turn on the comms to all the mandalorians "men get out of the ships and start raining hell" i shout as they all get out 3000 mandalorians flying down to the ground shooting imperial mandalorians and Saxons soldiers as the enemy falls until there are only a few hundred soldiers left "mhi surrender" they shout throwing their guns to the ground kneeling towards me "an hail mandalor" they shout acknowledging my status as their king "1 down 8 to go" i say as all the troops even the ones from clan saxon depart east towards the clans ferr and fett.

A few hours later...

we have arrived at the joined forces of ferr and fett but strangely they weren't firing but kneeling even their leader as he says "my lord Ezra we have heard much about you we have decided yesterday that we would join you on your quest to reinstate the mandalorian empire" the leaders Jason and Strawd said as i gesture them to stand up saying "i am happy that your clans have decided to join me are there other clans that have decided to join us?" i say curiously as Jason says "yes all the smaller clans and the clans Awaud, Kryze and Chorn but we have fond out that the clans Eldar and Cadera have allied with the Wrens" he says as i turn to Strawd and say "rally the allied clans and meet me 12 clicks off of the Wren household in the mountains" as i turn around waving my hand as  all the soldiers stand up and I turn around  "we will retake mandalore my empire is vast and powerful with mandalore we can take beskar and conquer the eastern galaxy par Manda'yaim!(for mandalore!)" as they cheer while I get in my ship and plan my attack to the Wrens traitors to Mandalore. I look out and I can see the leaders speaking with Bo-katan and the other leaders as i sense them talking about an attack on the wrens and that i was the heir of Tarre Visla and I smile going out to them and seeing all the men preparing ships,weapons,armor and in general their gear as i say "hello Bo-katan it's been a while..." i say as she turns to look at me taking my helmet off as she gasps recognizing me "Ezra?" "yes i was betrayed by the rebellion cast out like trash as it made me realize that i don't need them i tamed my true power as the second most powerful being in history only beaten by the chosen one Anakin Skywalker I need your help I know that you want to avenge your sister I know that you want to make mandalore great again but i need your help to conquer the last three clans that oppose us we need to throw out the rebels and the Empire and as you can see" i say pulling out a hologram "my troops and the other generals have destroyed the Empire Mandalore is ours and so is Concordia we only need Krowsnest and the system is ours we already have an empire but a Mandalorian Empire is nothing without Mandalore please join us or perish" "i will join you as I have said before my troops will be at your rendezvous point in an hour and so will the other clans we will await you there good luck and see you" she says as we turn off the hologram as the leaders shout "prepare the ships we attack in an hour go go go go go!" as the troops frantically run everywhere with the alarm blasting as they shout "move it move it!" "come on come on!" "prepare the ship it need fuel!" while i just look we will conquer mandalore and we will win...


revenge of the mandalorian part 1Where stories live. Discover now