Ezra's Empire pt:1

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10 days have passed since the rebels were defeated. 10 days since the rebels evacuated. 10 days since Ezra got his revenge. 10 days since he's become the emperor of the Mandalorian empire. But today is the day the finally retake Mandalore starting with the rebel supported Krownest but before that but first they must conquer Yavin, Wobani and finally the great Mandalore our homeworld.

Ezra's POV

"today's the day we fight for our liberty, today is the day we fight for our people, today we fight FOR MANDALORE!" i shout as all the men shout "FOR MANDALORE!FOR MANDALORE!" "hey Ezra whats the plan?" Anakin says "well Anakin we inly have 100,000 troops here and we're fighting the mandalorians and the empire so i thought that we go to Wobani the Imperial labor camp to free the men and women only to then recruit the ones that can shoot as extra help" "good  idea how many people are forced there?" he asks curiously " 4 million slave labors i can sense and so can you that around 950.000 of them know how to shoot so we use them as help and the ones who are innocent and survive will be welcomed with open arms as the liars and criminals will be used as troops that can be sacrificed for our success and if they survive they will be liberated in Imperial areas and not in our worlds" " i have taught you well go to Moraband and stufy your power i know that you can do more..." "after the battle" " i understand but please go there you'll find new knowledge just as i have with Mortis for the past 19 years and as you can see i am still a young 22 year old figure" "alright I'll go to Moraband after the war" i sayas i call the commanders of every battalion " READY THE SHIPS WE TAKE OF IN 2 HOURS!" "sir yes sir" they say as i look out of my window seeing the beautiful sight of my armies readying up...

2 hours later

"let's go to. fleets 2,5,7,3,8 go to Yavin while fleets 4,6,9,10 with my fleet to Moraband bring fleets 11,12 for the men we're going to recruit" "copy that sir regrouping the Admiral of the 2nd fleet says as they go to hyperspace and i start to communicate with my fllets "alright men our plan is to attack the Moraband system to free it it's estimated that there are 950.000 people that know how to shoot we're going to recruit them and use them against the imperial armies of 2 million troops at Mandalore... " sir yes sir" they respond fleets 10-12 go andtake the troops while fleets 4,6,9 attack the 5 imperial ships with me" "understood sir" they say as we exit hyperspace to a grey and rotting world and out of the corner of my eye i see a rebel fleet "attack full power the rebels mustn't recruit any of them gooo!" i shout as my ships tear through the enemy fleets as i see the fleets 10,11,12 land and start recruiting the men and taking up children and women refugees "I'm going down there" i say as i dash to my ship getting in it and taking off for Wobani and a few moments later after taking down 6 rebel x-wings i land to a grueling sight. Men women and children dead from both the empire and the rebellion as i see my troops fend them off saving everyone they can and just thee sight of it makes me go into a rage as i roar like a demon for the deepest part from hell killing ever single rebel or imperial i see cutting them up disintegrating them turning them inside out and in general taking out their insides as my men watch in horror and admiration as a few seconds later i see a man in full black robes charging towards me using forms 6 and 7 as he has a double bladed lightsaber as i ready myself using all the forms that i have mastered and i decide to use the forms 3,5,7 and 4 using my speed and agility to block and dodge all his swipes and attempted killing strokes i must admit he is much better than the inquisitors but I'm better as i block his attack to my head counterattacking by using form 4 to cut him on the face leaving him with a huge scar. just then he goes into a fit of rage as he slashes to my hip as i block it he tries for my legs but i dodge it he goes for my head but i get him into a saber lock unleashing my strength and hitting him on the shoulder as i unleash a flurry of attacks using the aggresive forms 5 and 7 hitting him on the leg and chest immobilizing him as he says " my master will come for you" as i just respond "then let him come i was just playing with you" as i slice his head of looking at his body as the head rolls away.

"sir we have all the recruits what do we do?" a commander asks " we go to Mandalore" i say as we walk towards my ship comming Anakin with his fleets at Yavin " anakin i trust that you have good news for me..." "yes Ezra we've occupied YAvin and we've found out that the rebels were still evacuating so we killed them but now It'sall ours ewe have our bridges to MAndalore you're plan is working we also have a few Mandalorian clans that have come to ask for an alliance what do you say? "yes we need as many men as possible how many are there?" i ask as he just smirks saying "7000 Mandalorians so around 12 clans out of the 53 we're doing good" "perfect next stop Krownest and Concordia Anakin go to Tatooine there's a surprise there trust in your fellings and go to these co-ordinates with rex and the Arc troopers they will want to see that" "hmmm alright I'll see you soon" he says as i too ready my ships "we'll find you Obi-wan" i say as i get into my ship readying myself for a very long flight...to







A/N hey guys I'M still sorry for the late update of the last chapter so i wrote this chapter as fast as i could just for you guys and a heads up for next week since i will be very occupied with tests so imma hit ya with a YEET

PS: 1110 words yeeee mate

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