Lothal Liberated

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during the battle for the second outpost...

Ezra's POV

there were less stormtroopers than we expected 10,000 troops but there are only 6,700 of them where did the others go? Who cares we just conquered the outpost and asked for another medivac to carry away our wounded and dead while i talk to the other generals "hello my friends hows the battle going?" i asked "all well Ezra we are about to attack our last city you?" "I'm about to attack the Imperial Capitol. Anakin how about you?" "all is well Ezra we have finished our mission we are now scouting the area for a remaining Imperial Army" "Well done guys i have to go we are about to attack may the force be with you" "Ok Ezra i will see you later" "Bye Ezra"

"COME ON BOYS LET'S MOVE!!!!" i scream as all of my troops start to ready themselves as i say into my comm "alright boys we are within artillery range of the City we have to hit the Big dome before entering alright!?" "Sir yes Sir" they respond "OK artillery you know what to do..." i say as my artillery cannons start to fire on the dome while i see the battle going on in outer space. we are winning on all fronts and soon we will destroy the Empire. "sir the damage to the Dome is extensive enough that it's unusable what are your orders sir?" the artillery commander asks  as i see an army of imperial troopers marching towards us "attack the imperial army co-ordinates 290* 90*47*" i say as he responds with a "yes sir" as i call the field commanders "Men take covered positions and snipe the imperials i'll go to the city and deal with the inquisitors and with the other forces with General Skywalker i say comming Anakin "Anakin come and help me exterminate the other Imperials. have you finished your part?" "yes Ezra we have finished i will come with half of my soldiers and we will help you" "Thanks mate i will await your arrival, and hurry up will you we will attack within the hour" "alright we'll be there in 20 minutes" "thank you we will attack in 20 minutes so that your men will have time to prepare" "Copy that I'll relay the info to my men" "thank again Anakin" "Nothing Ezra now let's win this war!" "Yes" i say comming all of my soldiers "Men get ready we attack in 20 prepare your ammunition and gear and hide as this will be a surprise attack" as all i could hear was "Yes sir" from all my men

20 minutes later because I'm lazy...

"you ready Anakin?" "Yep we're in position to attack" "Ok...3...2...............................1...................................NOW!" i shout as 3500 troops attack the lat of the stormtroopers and inquisitors as me and Anakin fight the inquisitors outnumbered 3 to 1 but we are the most powerful force users in the galaxy so we fight them.

I rush the inquisitor jumping for a strong attack knocking down one as the others fight me i block and start a frenzy of attacks hitting them up and down with incredible speeds as i decapitate one at crushing the heart of the knocked out one as i attack the last one who was the best by very far we fight at unimaginable speeds and i see him quickly tiring while i look as if I'm on the beach "how can you do that?" he asks wheezing as i disarm him showing my true darkside face "I'm the son of the darkside but i have the heart of a good man no-one but my friend Anakin can defeat me and now you shall die" i say crushing his internal organs theoretically disintegrating  his insides as he collapses dead in front of me. I look up to a victorious battle i can see the people of lothal cheering me army as our refugees flood back to their homes... finally we did it the empire can't win against our army and our next stop is Mandalore and all the systems around it so we can restore Mandalore's power  and reinforce it.

But for now we must celabrate and rebuild... we have much tio do but we can finish it in no time me and Anakin can use the force to reconstruct anything and soon we will attack from the 18th to the 36th systems so that we can slowly reconquer and rebuild Mandalore's empire which in theory will be much bigger than the last one since it's going to take up 1/3 of the galaxy. we have much to do but we will eventually win!

A/N sorry for the late update I've been very caught up with high school but now that I've got that covered i can finally write once again also if you like or if you know anyone that likes HTTYD (how to train your dragon) stories tell them to read my new book 'Night Riders Rage' but don't worry i will continue on writing this story but for now imma hit ya with a YEET!

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