the rebellion attacks

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Mon Mothma's POV

"my friends" i say " the mandalorians have liberated Lothal and have also recruited another 20,000 people they have also conquered 20 other systems 3 of which have human life their number now count 60,000 normal troops and 10,000 elites we must stop them they're getting too much support and people are starting to go to them as refuge from the empire instead of us we have 100,000 men we can defeat them" "with all due respect ma'am they are well trained and have destroyed the empire in that region can we actually defeat them?" a soldier asks "yes lieutenant we can" i say bringing up a map as i start to explain  a plan of attack starting from the middle sector a human planet and from there we can attack and destroy them but little did I know that there was a Traitor between us a traitor who recorded and sent everything to Ezra's army...

Back to our favorite man Ezraaaaaaaa

Ezra's POV

"thank you soldier if you come back alive you will be promoted to lead spy" i say "thank you sir SP-187 out" he says  as i sigh when will those rebels learn as i call an emergency meeting (AMONG US MEMES) and everyone attends "ok guys the rebels are sus i saw them plan an attack" "true, true so should we vote an attack on the rebels?" i say as i see all have voted attack rebels and that rebels was ejected "yessssss ok let's kill them all we must ambush them since they think that they're so smart our plan is to be very close to the system and once the rebels attack we surround them and give them hell" i say read to have my sweet sweet revenge "ready your ships they attack at 0500 at that system we must be ready it's 1600 here i want you all in surrounding position by 0250 hours "yes sir" they all say disconnecting as my ships and troops ready up for an attack. "this will be the end of the rebellion they have just made the biggest mistake of their lives. I turn around smirking looking at my clone wars era ships, obviously modified, they are absolute beasts and one can destroy 3 imperial star destroyers. My army has in total 5 secutor class destroyers 28 venator class destroyers 21 accimator class destroyers 12 gladiator class destroyers 3 quasar class destroyers 11 C-70 corvettes and 25 freighters we are extremely powerful and we are more than capable of taking down the rebellion but we still must be careful since they are a bit clever so I'm going to keep 1 venator class and 1 accimator in every human system but the rest will ambush and conquer the surrounding systems and we're half way from conquering mandalore.  We have the area's of Kijimi, Felucia, Moraband and Cantonica now all that stands in our way are the Mobani and Yavin systems and when we conquer those we will have Mandalore and all of the north-eastern side of the Galaxy we will then conquer the east and the northern sides ending with coruscant.

"sir.." i hear a man interrupt my thoughts "yes tucker" i say calmly "sir all of the ships are in position we are ready for an attack" "good take me there i want to end them myself" " sir yes sir" he says ordering the fighters to take off in a moment as my escort while i walk towards my ship ready for take off and ready to kill some rebels.

Back to the rebels

"we're going to attack Felucia boys" Mon mothma says as Pheonix, Red, Blue and Gold squadron listen "we have more ships than them we can annihilate them and take their territory for the rebellion" she says as they all nod and agree murmuring about how they'll get the most kills but the agent SP-187 transmitted everything to Ezra as he sets up his trap ready to destroy the ones that betrayed him...

at Felucia 2 hours later

"Ma'am" a man says calling for Mon Mothma "yes soldier" she says "we're about to exit hyperspace we're there" "man the battle stations and ready for an attack" she says as the alarms go off signalling that they are there "NOW!" she screams as she see's a medium sized force protecting Felucia as she fires upon them but this was a decoy as those ships were commanded by droids and that the real force was ready to attack immanently.

"NOW" Ezra screams as his ships come out of hiding and start to attack Gold and Red squadrons shredding them to bits all the while Ezra's fighters destroy the rebels.

on the Ghost...

"Kanan" Hera says as he syas "those are clones how?" he says as a Transmission comes through and there they are Anakin, Ahsoka and Ezra "hello Kanan JArrus or should we say Caleb Dume" Ezra says as Sabine, Zeb and Chopper come through looking astonished "why Ezra?"Sabine says "why?why? hahahahhaha Sabine Wren the rebellion abandoned me and now that i know that i am Pre-Visla's ancestor i am going to restore Mandalore's ancient power and i for one thought that you loved Mandalore to death?" "i do but I'm not a conqueror" she says as Ezra shakes his head "then you are no Mandalorian men destroy them all use our full power insted of 10% you've had your fun..." he says as you can hear his men say "yes sir" in a dissapointed voice "din't worry you can have as much fun as you want with the empire" as the ships around us blow up into flames and debris as Mon Mothma says "retreat to Yavin 4 they're too powerful we've lost 62% of our ships she says as another 5 blow up 68% Run! as many ships turn around to escape and we do too "I'll come for you Yavin isn't safe anymore the Empire won't attack you we will and don't worry about the death star and LEia we have them both under control isn't that right Leia" he says as Leia comes up seemingly raped by hundreds of men "ah i see that they've had fun with you but don't worry it'll continue until we go to Mandalore then you'll be one of my slave beauties " yes my love" she says panting making Sabine jealous "oh Sabine you missed your chance and now she's my babe for life ahhahaahhahah goodbye" he says as we go to hyperspace "casualty report Mothma says to a soldier as he says we've lost 83% of our fleet and 71% of our fighters and he knows where we are stated we have to retreat and stabalise a new base for the time being we can't beat him" he says "I agree we must evacuate Yavin and head for Hoth a new base has been established there and Ezra doesn't know about it... (the spy was presumed dead but is actually on Ezra's command ship the 'vengence'

back to Ezra

"Men we've done it they're going to Evacuate Yavin so rest up for tomorrow we conquer Yavin and Wobani and then we retake Mandalore!" Ezra says as his men cheer. "the rebellion and the empire shall fall under us and we will push them to the southern side we will explore the Unknown regions and leaqve them be with the southern galaxy but we'll have the northern, eastern and western sides we will be the most powerful repubblical empire in the history of our Galaxy!" Ezra shouts as the men cheer " all hail the Mandalorians, all hail Mandalore, all hail Ezra!" as fireworks go off and the celebrations start...


sorry guys for the late update I had a writers block on this story and i was vey occupied with the new pandemic rules in my country Italy so Imma hit ya with a YEET

PS: 1320 words mate it's my PB

revenge of the mandalorian part 1Where stories live. Discover now