conquering Lothal Pt 1

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Hey guys thank you for 1000 reads! i thank y'all for the support and now lets continue with the story.

Ezra's POV

Finally today we will do our final push my men have been reconstructing some old clone wars era cruisers and now we have 6 of them with 10 frigates 4 medical ships and 18 light frigates we also have around 1200 fighters most of which are heavily modified mandalorian Kormk class   (is that how you spell them?)  fighters I also have my 2200 mandalorians and 5000 clones we are ready most of all we have discovered that there are huge reserves of Beskar under Lothal it's just like another Concordia... but luckily the imperials haven't discovered this secret yet.

"sir we're ready" a commander says through a hologram "alright let's do this send army one (500 mandalorians and 1000 clones) into sector 3 in the mountains filled with outposts army two( 700 mandalorians and 1500 clones) goes into sector 1 in southern Lothal where the shipyards and artillery manufacturing is and finally my army goes towards the central outposts in sector 2 (1000 mandalorians and 2500 clones including the 501st)" i explain as the commander of army two asks "sir with respect whats so important in sector 2 other than the outposts because our missions are as hard as yours" "well trooper my part has the largest outposts and we also have thrawns best armies there although i must say that we also have 2 times more stormtroopers to kill not to mention the inquisitors" i say truthfully as the commander looks at me astounded and shamefully said "i'm sorry sir now i understand i will lead my troops through sector 3" he says looking down

"alright lets do this and may the force be with you always, i will see you after the battle" i finish turning off the hologram as i reach Rex and Anakin as he asks me "Ezra what are we going to do? whats your plan?" "well we have to go and reach this outpost right here, it's 12 clicks north. then we have to go to the second outpost around 18 clicks north-east and finally we have to liberate the capitol..."   "yes sir" Rex says as he comms all the transport ships and escort fighters " we're all clear for the landing invasion and we already have some troops on the ground around the blue LZ" "copy that Rex" we hear everyone say as Rex says "alright lets GO GO GO GO!" and as soon as he says that the hangar opens and we all rush out fighting our way to the Landing Zone and when we get there it's hell...

"commander Range, Commander Ace how did the landing go?" i ask as i cut down 3 stormtroopers "alright sir our Landing Zone is secure you?" i hear them say "Bad we're surrounded but we are winning quickly" i say looking at the battle and i see my whole army destroying the last stormtroopers surrounding us "correction guys we just decimated 5000 stormtroopers with some losses but we just destroyed 1/4 of their forces in our sector we only lost 200 troopers with another 270 wounded but most of them were the ones protecting the LZ before we landed and now we're carrying them to the gunships now i have to go over and out..." "yes sir we will see each other when all of this has ended?" Ace says "yeah sure what about you generals?" "yeah we will thank you" Anakin says as we continue on helping on the transport of the dead and the wounded where we will later have a funeral for them...

a few hours later

"sir we are ready to attack the first outpost " Fives says "thanks Fives we will attack in a few hours in the dead of night since we usually attack at dawn or dusk their defenses will be lightened" "yes sir I'll prep the soldiers for the attack" "thank you Fives go to the right side with Rex,Echo, Heavy and Anakin I'll go to the right side and  the commander Mando will be at the center to lead the attack from there" "thank you sir and may the force be with you" he says walking towards the right army group whereas i walk towards the left" Mando how's it going..."

"alright sir we are ready how long must we wait?" "an hour my friend we attack at 1:30 am""ok sir we'll be rady" "Anakin how's your army doing?" "we are ready my friend" "ok you heard when we will attack be ready for my signal" "ok and Ezra" "yes" "can we go to Tatooine after the battle i would like to meet Obi-wan and then can we go to Dagobah so that we can pick up Yoda and mace Windu..." "yes my friend we can" "thank you"


hey guys sorry for the late update but i will try to update soon since i have a lot of homework so for now imma it ya with a YEET!

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