Part 2

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6:45 AM at Kang residence

Kang Seulgi is sleeping soundly in his room. Alarm on his phone keeps ringing since 15 minutes ago but it failed to wake him up. Door opened slowly by his 7 years old sister, Kang Yerim. She climbs on his bed and bounce

"OPPA, WAKE UP. IT 7 IN THE MORNING" the younger Kang keep bouncing on her brother bed "BEAR OPPA, OPEN YOUR EYES"

Seulgi groan while opening his eyes. He turn off the noisy alarm then tossed his phone to bedside table "Yerim, it still 6:47 AM"

"Mommy told me now is 7 already" Yerim blink her eyes cutely as she sit on her brother laps

"She lied to you" Seulgi yawn "Where is my morning kiss?"

Yerim shifted and turn around. She circled her arms around Seulgi neck and kisses his cheeks "Good morning oppa"

"Good morning baby" Seulgi hugging his little sister

"KANG SEULGI, WAKE UP" Mrs. Kang roared from the kitchen

Their sweet time was disturbed by their mom voice; both of them jumped "I wake up already mommy!" Seulgi answered

"Oppa, you better shower now. Mommy will scold you again if you late"

"Alright, tell mommy that I will down in 15 minutes, okay?" Seulgi pats Yerim head

"Okay oppa!" Yerim run out of the room while Seulgi stretch his body. He tidy up his bed then grab his towel

When he had done shower, Seulgi go to his walk-in closet to dress up. He zone out for few minutes then back to the world again because of sneezing

"Aigooo" he rubbing his runny nose "What should I wear for today?" he tapping his chin. In the end he chooses blue body fit shirt and black suit as usual. He takes his favorite black and white striped necktie to match with his outfit

"Outfit of the day!" Seulgi proudly looking at his reflection after tying his necktie knot. He grabs his phone and takes mirror selfie "Cool"

Then he style his hair, spray perfume and wear his wristwatch "Done" he looking at his watch then gasped loudly "Omo, 35 minutes more!"

Seulgi run from his bedroom to dining table. His mother greet him with morning glare while Yerim smile sheepishly

"Morning mom" Seulgi smile innocently

"Morning lazy bear"

"Where is daddy?"

"He off to office already"

"Why appa go so early? Did he have meeting? He doesn't tell me" Seulgi grab a glass of milk on the table and drink it

"It's not early, Kang. He left on time. It's you who're late"

Seulgi curse mentally as he noticed that he is late "Mom, I will go now" he kiss her mother on cheek then kiss Yerim forehead "Bye!" he strode to front door

"Oppa!" Yerim appear at the door before Seulgi enter his car


The little girl holds out a piece of sandwich to Seulgi "You should eat"

Seulgi crouch in front of his sister "Aigooo, thank you baby" he take the sandwich then pinch Yerim cheek "Oppa will buy you new story book soon, okay?"

"Okay oppa" Yerim said cheerfully

"Go inside. Oppa will leave now"

"Alright" Yerim return to their house and close the door

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