Part 23

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A familiar car arrived at WK Daegu building. Suddenly, the front desk staff and security team rushed to the main entrance. They make line up to welcome their CEO. Everyone not expect him to come so they not prepare anything to welcome them

When Seulgi come out of his car, the staffs bow their head while securities give him salute. Joohyun stand beside him then she whisper

"They must be choke their breathe when you come without warning"

"I should do this more to check if my staffs doing their work well or they play around more"

One of front desk staff come towards them then he bow again

"Good morning sir, welcome back to WK Daegu. Mr. Im will be here in few minutes"

"Okay" Seulgi nods

Meanwhile at general manager's office, the secretary receive a call from front desk informing them about CEO Kang arrival. The secretary quickly run inside to tell their boss

"Mr. Im, good morning. I would like to tell you that CEO Kang is downstairs. He just arrived"

"What do you say?" Mr. Im Yoong, the general manager jaw dropped

"Our big boss is down there" Secretary Kim Seohyun repeat again

"Omo, let's go greet him" Mr. Im quickly put on his jacket and run to elevator followed by Ms. Kim

When they arrived at ground floor, Mr. Im quickly strode to the entrance where CEO waiting for him. He also see Bae Joohyun, the PA of Kang Seulgi who also former staff of WK Daegu

"Good morning Mr. Kang" Mr. Im said politely

"Good morning Mr. Im"

Then Mr. Im greet Joohyun with big smile "Good morning Ms. Bae, welcome back to WK Daegu"

"Good to see you again sir" Joohyun said happily while Seulgi rolled his eyes, jealous

"Sir, sorry for not welcoming you properly. We're not informed about your visit" Mr. Im said worriedly

Seulgi smile "It okay Mr. Im, I'm in Daegu this weekend so I decide to visit while I am around. Since it has been a while I came here, I want to visit every departments, checking progress of our business and I want report presentation for first half of this year so please arrange my meeting with head of departments. Please make sure to put every details in the reports. You know how I want it in the reports, right?" Mr. Im nods nervously "I expect good result from everyone, clear?"

"Yes sir" said Mr. Im "Umm sir, how long you will stay here?"

"Maximum 3 days. I want the meeting by tomorrow AND Ms. Bae will inform the time tomorrow"

"Okay sir"

"You can go back to your office and inform your staff about what I said just now. I don't want to hear any excuse for absence in the meeting. If the leader is our, call them to come back or if they out of town, their assistant should replace them"

"Noted sir"

"Good, I and Ms. Bae want to tour around this building so everyone can dismiss" the staff bow again before they leave their boss

After everyone dismiss, Joohyun looking at Seulgi "What?" Seulgi asked

"Honey, aren't you too mean to them? I mean you want half year report on meeting tomorrow"

Seulgi chuckle "That's why they must complete monthly report to prepare for this kind of situation. They won't have hard time finishing it if they really have it done every months. I just want summary of their report. It is something simple and detail. Not to brag but I can come out with perfect summary in 1 hour if needed"

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