Part 12

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Joohyun walk to the park at their apartment complex because Seungwan waiting for her there. She remember Seulgi advice, she told Seungwan to wait at the park instead of come to her unit. She don't want Seulgi to see him around and make things messier between them. Knowing Seulgi, he really won't care if he make a scene


The said guy turn around and smile as he saw Joohyun "Hi Hyun"


"Have a sit" Seungwan pats the spot beside him on the bench "Why you don't want to go somewhere?"

"I'm tired. Our schedule is really hectic today" said Joohyun

"Aigooo, poor thing" Seungwan caressed Joohyun hair and she jump in shock. She don't really like someone touch especially man. She try to avoid his touch but Seungwan seem like doesn't care even it is obvious "Hyun"


"I miss you" Seungwan scoot closer to Joohyun leaving no space between them

"Okay" Joohyun try to move but she is at the end of the bench

"Hyun, come on don't move"

"I just not comfortable"

Seungwan wrapped his arm around Joohyun shoulder "You should get used to it. Sooner or later, we will be this close too"

"Seungwan..." Joohyun cut off by Seungwan when he suddenly peck her lips

"You talk a lot" Seungwan smirk

Joohyun looking at Seungwan in disbelieve "Seungwan, what..." out of the blue, Seungwan shut her again and this time with kiss. Her eyes widen then...


She slap Seungwan hard on his cheek and he yelp in pain "YOU PERVERT! THIS IS MY LAST WARNING SON SEUNGWAN, DON'T EVER COME NEAR ME ANYMORE. I HATE YOU!" with that she run away from the park with all her might. She is not athletic but she is fast runner

Seungwan left at the bench while holding his throbbing cheek. He realize his mistake and regret it "Oh my God, what gotten into me" he grab his hair in frustration


Joohyun found herself in front of Chorong apartment. She don't want to return to her place since she worry if Seungwan will run after her

"Joohyun, what happen to you?" Chorong asked soon as she saw Joohyun crying face "Do you hurt? Tell me what's wrong?" she cupped Joohyun face

"At least invite me in first" Joohyun whimper

Chorong can't help but cackle at her own carelessness "I'm very worry you know. Come in" she close the door then drag Joohyun to living room "Now tell me everything even it is personal. I wouldn't stop asking until I know the reason you're crying in front of my door. Don't leave a single thing"

"Seungwan..." Joohyun look down to her laps

"What's with him?" Chorong smell something wrong

"He...he try to kiss me" Joohyun voice trembling

"WHAT?" the secretary scream in shock plus her eyes turn wide "He try to kiss you or he kissed you?"

"First he peck then kiss me"

"Yah!" Chorong balled her fist "He sexually assault you!" she hissed "What else he do? Did he touch you somewhere?"

"No, he just kiss me but I slap him after that"

"That's good. You should punch his private part too. How did this happen? Is he go to your house?"

"We met at the park down there. I thought he just want to talk as usual but I'm wrong. He never do that before. I don't know why he suddenly do that"

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