Part 7

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"Oppa, lift me up! I want to ring the doorbell" Yerim jump up and down in front of Joohyun apartment unit

"Aigoooo, this kid" Seulgi put the paper bag down then lift up his sister

Yerim press the doorbell furiously since she is excited "Yah, you will make her shock! Don't need to press like that. Just do it once is enough"

"She not hear it if I press one-time" Yerim attempt to press the bell but Seulgi move farther then she knock the door instead "Baechu unnie, open the door!" she bang the door with her small hand

"Aishhh, Kang Yerim. You're noisy"

"You're whiny" Yerim retort

Joohyun open the door just before Seulgi say anything to his sister. She greet them happily

"Hi, good morning!" said Joohyun

"Good morning" Seulgi answer happily

Yerim throw her arms to Joohyun then Seulgi passed Yerim to his PA "Good morning unnie" she hugging Joohyun tightly

"Good morning baby. You look cute today" Joohyun peck Yerim cheek then she told Seulgi to come in. He follows both girls to dining table

"Mommy dress me up before she go out" said Yerim

"You're beautiful like your mom"

"You too unnie" Yerim giggle "I pick oppa shirt today. Is he handsome?" she brags

Joohyun looking at Seulgi and scan his outfit. He wears black jeans and white T-shirt. It just simple outfit but he look good in it

"She really picked your clothes?" Joohyun asking Seulgi

"Yes except my boxer" Seulgi grin cheekily

"Oh, you look good in casual outfit" Joohyun turn to smiling Yerim "You have good taste. Do you always choose clothes for oppa?"

"Yes, mommy always does that for daddy so I do for oppa. If you help oppa to pick his clothes in future, oppa like simple outfit"

"Yerimie, unnie not do it for oppa" Joohyun pats Yerim head

"One day you'll help oppa with his outfit" Yerim smile innocently

Joohyun practically blushing while Seulgi cackle "Okay then" she put Yerim on the chair "I will serve our breakfast. You two sit first"

"Joohyun, I bring choco milk for Yerim. Can you heat it for her?"

"Sure thing, do you want coffee?"

"Yes, anything will do"


When Joohyun busy at the kitchen, the sibling wink at each other then they bump fist


After breakfast, they decide to hangouts. Seulgi drive them to nearby mall. All the way to the mall, Yerim is the most cheerful. She talks about lot of things while Joohyun and Seulgi play along with her

"Unnie! Oppa! Walk faster" Yerim skip excitedly to the bookstore

"Yerimie, wait for us. We don't want you to lose" said Joohyun then Yerim stop, waiting for them "Unnie hold your hand"

"Okay unnie" Yerim giggle while walking hand in hand with Joohyun

"You really behave today Yerimie" Seulgi comments while walking behind the girls

"I promised to daddy yesterday"

"You used to promise lot of time but still forget after that"

Yerim shrugs "I feel like behave today"

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