Part 15

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"Seulgi-ah, why do you look moody? Is that food not good?" Jisoo wondering why Seulgi look grumpy and staring at his food instead of eating it. It is his favorite food but he look like don't have interest to eat it

"I not in mood to eat" Seulgi said quietly

"Do you have problem?"


"Don't lie to me Kang Seulgi. You never resist food for no reason. Come on, tell me"

Seulgi put his utensil down and lean his back at the chair. He really have something to tell Jisoo but he worry if she will get hurt. He know Joohyun is upset earlier but he can't reject Jisoo too. This time he really don't know which one to choose. Both girls are important to him and he don't want to hurt them

"I do have something to tell you but I hope you understand my situation" Seulgi stated

"I will try my best. What is it?" Jisoo waiting patiently

"Can we meet less after this and keep a distance between each other when we go out?" Seulgi nervous waiting for Jisoo reaction


"Actually these days I courting someone and she's not pleased with that. She upset when she saw you too close to me then we hooked arms together. Can we not do that anymore? Let just behave like a friend"

Jisoo zoning out when she find out that Seulgi is seeing someone. She thought she still have a chance but she's wrong. She blame herself for expecting Seulgi still single and available for her

"Is she someone I know?"

"Maybe yes, maybe no"

"How did she know that we're that close? She saw us?"

"She saw with her own eyes. She witness everything"

Jisoo frown "Is she working with you?"


"Chorong unnie?"

"Nope but she is Bae Joohyun. My personal assistant"

Jisoo sighs "Why you don't tell me early about this? I don't know that you two have something going on. I thought you still single that's why I'm so clingy. You suppose to let me know early. Kang Seulgi...oh my god" she feel guilty towards Joohyun

"I don't want to hurt you if I push you away"

"She is hurting more than I am. I will understand because you have your own reason"

"Both of you are important to me that's why I don't know which one to choose"

"You suppose to choose her over me. I will be fine. I understand the situation. You know how much it is hurt when someone you love ditch you for someone else. You had been there before and you should know it better. Don't let history repeat itself. Go and make it up with her after this" Jisoo groan

"She is not around for few days. She go back to her hometown"

"Just call her and say sorry"

"She not answering me" Seulgi pouting

"You deserve it for making her upset" Jisoo rolled her eyes

"Let her calm down first. I will talk to her next week"

"You better work hard. I don't want to see you disappointed like before. It's enough for me seeing you breakdown 2 years ago. This time is your fault so you fix it if you really love her"

"I'm really in love with her but we haven't date yet. There are few things that we need to handle before move to other step. I know that we both share same feeling because she choose me instead of Seungwan"

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