Part 9

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Joohyun receive a bouquet of flower early in the morning that was delivered to her apartment. She wonders who the person that sends the flower to her. It is a bouquet of daisy, her favorite flower. She spotted a card slipped between the flowers then quickly takes it out

Good day beautiful 💋

I hope you like this flower. It reminds me of you so I send it to you. A beautiful flower must belong to beautiful girl, isn't it?

Call me if you received this flower


Right after she read the note, Joohyun grab her phone and search for Seungwan number to call him

Joohyun: Hello Seungwan

Seungwan: Hi beautiful, do you receive the bouquet already?

Joohyun: Yes, it delivered just now

Seungwan: Do you like it?

Joohyun: Yes, it is my favorite flower. Thank you. It is very beautiful

Seungwan: I know you like it *giggle*

Joohyun: How do you know?

Seungwan: Daisy scattered everywhere around you. Your phone case, notebook cover and if I not mistaken, your wallpaper also tulips. It literally anywhere

Joohyun: I'm that obvious, huh? *chuckle*

Seungwan: Yes, you are *laugh* do you free today?

Joohyun: Yup

Seungwan: Let's go out. Watch movie or something. Are you on?

Joohyun: Why not

Seungwan: I will pick you up on 11 so we can lunch together before watch movie

Joohyun: Alright, see you later

Seungwan: Bye

Just after Joohyun put her phone on the table, the gadget ring again. She picked the call without checking the caller

Joohyun: Hello

Seulgi: Hi baeby

Joohyun flinch when she hear Seulgi voice because she thought Seungwan call her again

Joohyun: Kang Seulgi?

Seulgi: You sound like surprise. Are you expecting someone else call?

Joohyun: No, I just not expect you will call this early. I thought you still sleeping. It still too early you know

Seulgi: Emm, I suddenly want to wake up early. What are you doing right now?

Joohyun: As usual, laundry day

Seulgi: You so into laundry, huh?

Joohyun: It is my hobby. What about you? Are you up already?

Seulgi: Not yet, I still on bed. Your face suddenly appears in my mind that's why I call you. Maybe I miss you

Joohyun: Sweet-talker Kang *chuckle*

Seulgi: Baeby, I want to take you out for date today

Joohyun eyes turn wide due to sudden invitation. She already promise to Seungwan, how can she say yes to Seulgi? No way will she go out with 2 men in a day. She will look like a player

Seulgi: Baeby, do you hear me?

Joohyun: Y-yes, I hear you

Seulgi: So when you will free? I will pick you up

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