Part 6

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Little Yerim hold on her brother shirt hem as they walk down the stair. She knows her brother will go somewhere based on his outfit. If possible, she wanted to go with him

"Oppa" she chirped

"Yes baby sister?"

"Where are you going?"

"Oppa not going anywhere" Seulgi said and grab Yerim hand. They sit on the couch at living room

"You lie! You dress up like you will go somewhere" Yerim retort and puff her cheeks

Seulgi pinch Yerim cheek "Oppa want to fetch someone to have dinner with us tonight"


"You will see later. Oppa know you will like her. She is beautiful and cute"

"Is she unnie that come last time?"

"Nope, that unnie is not around"

"Last time you also said the same to me but mommy don't like that unnie"

Seulgi hold his laugh "This time is not her, I promise"

"Okay" they link pinky finger to seal their promise "Can I go with you?"

"No, you wait here until we come back. Oppa will go get her now"

"Okay oppa" Yerim sighs

"Bye baby Yerim"

"Bye oppa!"


Seulgi and Joohyun arrive at Kang residence. Joohyun still nervous even she used to meet Mrs. Kang

"Are you nervous?" Seulgi noticed that Joohyun keep fidgeting on her seat

"A little bit"

"Aigoo, it's not like you will meet scary mother-in-law. My mom is nice" Seulgi giggle

"Yah, it's not funny you know!" Joohyun whine

"Alright, just relax. My family doesn't have record of eating someone. We're good people"

"Don't make fun of me. You're not helping at all" Joohyun glare at her boss

"I'm sorry, shall we go out now? I don't want mom think that we're doing some business here. That old woman is overthinking sometimes"

Joohyun hit Seulgi arm "Let's go before you talk nonsense"

Seulgi open the door for them. Suddenly running footstep come towards them

"Yerimie, don't run!" Mr. Kang yells from living room

"Oppa, welcome back!" Yerim ignore her father and circle her arms around Seulgi waist

Seulgi pick her up and carry her in his arms "You miss oppa that much? Seriously? Oppa just leave less than an hour"

"I just excited" Yerim giggle then Seulgi put her down

"You're heavy" Seulgi remarks

"Yah!" Yerim protest

Joohyun chuckled seeing Seulgi teasing his cute little sister. Both of them look alike but Yerim not resemble bear like Seulgi

"Yerimie, this is unnie that I told you. Introduce yourself to her" Seulgi said to his sister

"Hello unnie, my name is Kang Yerim. Nice to meet you" the younger Kang bow

"Nice to meet you too, Yerimie. Unnie name is Bae Joohyun" Joohyun crouch in front of Yerim to greet her

Yerim looked confuse "Your name is Bae...Soo...Yeon?" she looking at Joohyun then to her brother

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