Part 17

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Bunches of crumples tissues scattered on dining table. A series of whimper filling the place and it make Joohyun annoyed but having fun at the same time

"Yah, can you stop crying already?" Joohyun said annoyingly

Seulgi whimper getting loud "How can you expect me to stop? I'm really sad now"

"What make you sad?"

"My girlfriend is getting married. Why would I be happy?" Seulgi wipe his nose with tissue

Joohyun suppress her laughter "Who is your girlfriend again?"

"You!" Seulgi whine

"If I recalled back, I'm just your PA. There is nothing between us right after you run after Jisoo. We never in relationship, remember it Kang?" Joohyun smirk while Seulgi bawling


Joohyun watching movie in her phone while waiting for laundry to be done. Yerim already sleeping a while ago while her parents also rest in their room. Seulgi also in his room since she don't see him when she's come from upstairs after tuck Yerim to sleep. When she busy laughing at the comedy movie, someone presence distracting her

"Baeby" that is Seulgi who appear out of nowhere


"Can we talk?"

"Aren't we talk already?"

"Baeby please, I'm serious"

"Alright, have a sit" Seulgi sit a chair away from Joohyun "What do you want to talk about?"

"Chorong told me that someone propose you, is it true?" Seulgi nervous

The PA mentally smirk because her expectation comes true "Yes, it's true"

Seulgi gulped hard "Do you...accept?"

"Of course, why not? I'm single so nothing to worry about"

"Then what about me?"

"I has nothing to do with you, so what's the matter?"

"I'm courting you"

"We're over. You have Ms. Kim and I have my future husband. Stop bring up our past"

"Yah, you can't do that?" Seulgi retort

"I'm free to choose whoever I want and you don't have right to stop me. I warned you already but you take it easy"

"You're so mean. Do you know that you're hurting me?"

"Then you're not hurting me when you seeing Ms. Kim at the same time you're courting me? You let her hold you. You two often go out together. For the record, I never do such things with you and you never holding my hand like you do with Ms. Kim. Do you think I'm happy with that?" she paused for few second to take her breath "I stop meeting Seungwan when I know you unhappy but you don't care at all even you know that I don't want you to go with her" Joohyun glare at her boss who dabbed his cheeks with tissue. She wonder where on earth Seulgi got that tissue box because her mother never put tissue on dining table

"I know you hurt and you're jealous..." Joohyun cut him off

"You know but you don't care" said Joohyun "It's clear that I'm not important to you. I should just give Seungwan chance instead. Maybe he will not hurting me like you do" she rolled her eyes

"Joohyun-ah, I'm sorry. Please don't get married"

"Nope, I cross my heart already. I will invite you and your family to my wedding. If possible, please sponsor the event, okay?" Joohyun said happily then Seulgi throw the balled tissue to her

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