Part 18

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Joohyun bring file to Seulgi office. Chorong is not around so she will do the work for her. She slowly enter but Seulgi is not at his table. He stand beside the window staring outside with his back facing the door

"Seulgi...this is file that you need" Joohyun said

"Okay" Seulgi answer without turn his face to see Joohyun

Taking a deep breathe, Joohyun walk to her boss and stop behind him


"Get out" the CEO said calmly

"No, I don't want. I want to talk to you" Joohyun said stubbornly

"Nothing else to talk about. We're over, remember?" Seulgi scowl

Suddenly Joohyun sneaked her arms on Seulgi waist to hug him from behind. Seulgi startled by Joohyun sudden action and he try to move her hands. For a girl, Joohyun is really strong. She hit Seulgi hand to stop him moving

"Stop moving around before both of us fall down on the floor"

"Let me go. It's not nice for someone fiancé to hug random man"

Joohyun tighten her embrace and rest her head on Seulgi back "I'm sorry"

"It easy, huh?" Seulgi chuckle

"Seulgi, please hear me"

"What else you want to say? You want me to sponsor your wedding? I can write check for you now. Tell me how much do you want?" Seulgi breathing heavily as he getting upset

"I'm not getting married" Joohyun stated "I'm not marry anyone if that person is not you. What I told you before is just fake. I'm fooling around. It's true that my old friend come to meet my family to propose me but I reject it. I told them I'm in love with someone else"

"What joke that you tell me now?" Seulgi still don't trust her

"I'm serious right now. Please believe me. No one else that I want except you"

"Let me go"


"Yah, I want to turn around"

"You not run away?"

"Ayyy, of course not. Release me. I can't breathe. Your embrace so tight" Seulgi said then Joohyun let him go

Joohyun looking at Seulgi cutely "I'm sorry, okay? Please don't upset anymore"

"Why do you lie to me about marriage?"

"I just want to see your reaction if you know someone will propose me"

"Don't you see it when Seungwan almost take you away from me?"

"I do but when Ms. Kim come, you changed. You don't call me at night, we're not going out, you not pick me up at apartment as usual, you always have lunch with her and you never tell me about her. I worry if you choose her and leave me. You not come to your penthouse. I'm waiting for you every night but you never show up. I afraid if I lose you before I'm even have you. Luckily my mama called me and tell me about the proposal. I can just answer it on the phone but I decide to go home instead. I want to take a break from broken heart. It's hurt when I can't show it here because I need to be professional" Joohyun tears rolled down slowly

Seulgi sighs heavily "I'm sorry baeby. I'm very sorry. I don't realize it until you leave me" he reach Joohyun face to wipe her tears "I will never leave you again. I not meeting her anymore unless it is for urgent matter and you will go with me. Forgive me, okay?"

Joohyun nods while sobbing then Seulgi hugging her "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" Seulgi kissed Joohyun forehead while holding her tightly in his arms

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