Part 16

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A/N I made story recommendation recently for Seulrene stories that I love. You all may check it on my profile. For authors who want me to promote your stories on my profile, you may DM me

Sharing is caring #heartforeveryone

P.s Hey, I noticed that Baeby readers in my wattpad are calmer than AFF, haha! Chill guys

With love, author


Somewhere at Daegu

Joohyun hangouts with her best friend, Jennie Kim at the café. Both of them very happy meeting each other after a while. Jennie also working at WK Daegu, Joohyun former office and they become best buddy since then

"Unnie, you look healthier than before" Jennie smile cheekily

"Yah, are trying to say that I gain weight?"

"No, you just look vibrant than last time I saw you. You must be having fun there"

"Yeah, it is fun but work load getting heavier and very busy. My schedule is exactly same with CEO's. If he is free, I will be free. If it is hectic for him then mine will be same"

"But it's worth it. Right?"


"Unnie, is our CEO treat you well? Is he handsome?" Jennie got excited

"He is nice and warm person. Not arrogant but generous also friendly. He gifted with good look and resemble a bear"

Jennie squeal "Wow, you're so lucky. I hope I have chance to meet him too"

"One day you will meet him in person" Joohyun smirk. She don't know what will happen if she tell Jennie that their CEO courting her. Her friend will surely faint. She mentally laughing at her own imagination

"Hey unnie, I heard Minho oppa want to bring his family to meet your parents. He want to propose you. Is it true?"

"Yup, they came last night"

Jennie cover her mouth "Omo, are you getting married?"

"Of course not" Joohyun laugh "No way I will marry him. I don't have feeling for him"

"How he react?"

"So far he is cool. He accept my decision and same goes to his parents"

"Ohh, that's good that he not throwing fit" Jennie receive a text from someone then she look at Joohyun "Unnie, my friend said she is around this area. Can she join us?"

"Of course"


10 minutes later, Jennie friend arrived. Both of them greet her with different reactions. One is excited while another one is cold

"Jisoo unnie!" Jennie exclaimed the she throw herself to Jisoo embrace

"Long time no see Kim Jennie" Jisoo pats Jennie hair

"You disappear too long"

"Don't be dramatic. It just 2 years"

Jennie giggle then she introduce Jisoo to Joohyun "Unnie, this is my best friend, Joohyun unnie"

Jisoo smile to Joohyun but she noticed the older girl forcing herself to beam "Nice to meet you again"

"Me too Ms. Kim" Joohyun bow. She is upset but still have manner

"You two know each other?" Jennie confuse

"Yeah, we meet at WK Seoul. Her boss is my friend" said Jisoo while Joohyun scoff

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