Part 10

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Seungwan come to Seulgi office after receive a call from the CEO. His voice sound cold and Seungwan assume that something is wrong with his cousin

"What with that tense face, dude? Is something wrong?" Seungwan asked while sit facing Seulgi

Seulgi take a while to answer the question with scoff "What's going on between you and my PA?"

Seungwan smile shyly, still don't know the bear is jealous of him "We're just friend for now dude. I want to take it slow before confess my feeling to her but she know that I like her"

"Did she like you too?"

"She said she like me as friend" Seungwan pout

"That's good then" Seulgi mumble under his breath "I don't want you to go after her" he stated seriously

"Why?" Seungwan asked blankly

"I just don't want to. You can be her friend but not more than that"

"What's wrong if we're more than friend? She is single and so I am" Seungwan answer back "Why it matter to you? You're not his boyfriend. You're just her boss. If I recall back, the agreement don't say anything about who she can date or not. This literally has nothing to do with you"

Seulgi balled his fist "When I say no, that's mean no!"

"Are you jealous, Kang?" Seungwan snort "Do you like her? Last time you seem like you not interested at her"

"That is before she comes here"

Seungwan chuckle "No wonder you behave like this. You're such a kid, so immature. How can you just ask me to stay away from her? She is free to choose whom she want to be with. You shouldn't control her. You not even her boyfriend. Do you worry if I get on your way and you lose Joohyun because she chooses me instead of you" he smirked

"Just stop chasing someone that I want. You never change Seungwan. Go find other girl to date but not a girl that I aim for" Seulgi groaned frustrated

"No Seulgi, no. I want Joohyun and I'm not back off" Seungwan said with firm voice "I don't want to argue more but remember this...BEST MAN WIN" he smirk then leave the office

Seulgi slump his body on his chair and massage his temple. Just seeing Seungwan smirk earlier bring back the memory of their past. He really upset right now. He reaches for office phone. He press the button to Chorong line

"Yes boss" Chorong answer

"Chorong, cancel all my schedule today and I don't want to see anyone. Whatever urgent matter, just move it to tomorrow. Tell Joohyun to prepare my lunch and leave it at pantry then you two just go out to eat. That's all"

"Noted boss"

Outside of the office, Chorong and Joohyun looking at each other questioningly after receive the sudden order from Seulgi

"What's wrong with him?" Joohyun worry

"I don't know. He looks fine earlier"

"Do you think it have something to do with projects or client?"

"I don't think so. He doesn't notify me so this is not about work. I see that Mr. Son looked tense when he exits this office earlier. Maybe something going on between them" Chorong reasoning

Joohyun heart suddenly beat fast. If what Chorong said is true, that could be something about her. So far the cousin click well with each other and now they suddenly tense

"Are they always argue?" she asking Chorong

"It has been a while since they have major argument"

"Really? They seem like have good relationship"

"Not at 2 years ago"

"Something happen?" Joohyun getting curious

"Yeah, it leads to major fight between the cousins. I can't tell you a lot about it but it is Mr. Son fault. Seulgi is good enough to forgive him. If I'm in Seulgi shoes, I will never talk to him again. Both of them are close with each other before the incident but after that they drift apart. Now their relationship is just like best friend, nothing more nothing less"

"Is Ms. Park also involved?"

"Not but she is sad seeing her cousin drift apart from each other. I feel sorry for her. They still have good relationship with Ms. Park. They treat her like their sister but their relationship is not as before"

"Ohh" that's all comes out from Joohyun. She still curious but she decide to not ask more since it is too personal


Seulgi rest in his bedroom after dinner. Suddenly his phone ringing and unknown number appear on screen

"Emm? Who is this?" he frown but still answer the call

Seulgi: Hello

Unknown: Hello Seul

Seulgi: Emm, may I know who is this?

Unknown: You forget me already? How dare you?

Seulgi: Seriously ma'am, if you don't tell me who you are I will hang up

Unknown: Seul, this is Jisoo. You really forget me, huh?

Seulgi choked his breath after hear the name. It has been 2 years since he meet her after she leave to overseas

Seulgi: Ji-Jisoo, is this really you?

Jisoo: Yes

Seulgi: Are you back in town?

Jisoo: Yup, I arrived this afternoon. How are you now?

Seulgi: I'm fine

Jisoo: What about you and him? Are you in good term now?

Seulgi: Yes, we reconcile already

Jisoo: Glad to hear that. I still feel sorry for you

Seulgi: Don't be, everything was past so let it pass

Jisoo: But I still break your heart. If only I don't trust him before

Seulgi: Jisoo, don't bring up our past. It is bitter. I forgive both of you already

Jisoo: I'm very thankful for that

Seulgi: Yeah

Jisoo: Can we meet? I want to catch up more with you

Seulgi: Sure thing

Jisoo: Are you busy tomorrow?

Seulgi: I will check my schedule tomorrow morning then I will let you know

Jisoo: Alright, got to go now

Seulgi: Okay

Jisoo: Seul

Seulgi: Yep

Jisoo: I miss you

Seulgi: too

Jisoo: Goodnight Seulgi

Seulgi: Goodnight Jisoo

Seulgi lay on his bed with his arm on his forehead. After talk with Jisoo, their memories come back to his mind. Everything going well before it ruined. Sometimes he missed Jisoo and their memory together but he need to move on. He can't let himself trapped in their old time


A/N Everything happen with reasons. Don't jump to conclusion yet. Wait with respect!

With love, author ❤

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