Part 22

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"KANG SEULGIIIIIIIII" Joohyun scream while run for her life around the yard while Seulgi chasing her

Hearing Joohyun screaming, Mr. Bae quickly checking the situation "Hey kids, what happen?" he look panic

Joohyun hide behind her father "Appa, Seulgi chasing me with caterpillar"

"Yahhh, don't scare. It won't bite you" Seulgi said under his laugh while wiggling the caterpillar

"Don't come near me Seulgi!" Joohyun yell

Mr. Bae covering his ear due to Joohyun loudness "Hyunnie, appa ears is hurt"

"Appa, kill that caterpillar" Joohyun hitting her father shoulder continuously

"Seulgi, give it to appa" Seulgi give the caterpillar to Mr. Bae while goofy smile still remain flash on his lips "Poor thing, why would Joohyun so scare of you" he put the small animal on his palm then caressed it

"Eww, it gross" Joohyun rolled her eyes

"Baeby, it cute" said Seulgi

"No way" Joohyun give disgusting look

Suddenly, Mrs. Bae show up at the doorway "I heard someone screaming. What's happening here?"

"Mama, they scare me with caterpillar" Joohyun complain to her mom

Mrs. Bae gasped "Caterpillar?"

"Yes" Mr. Bae said the wiggle the caterpillar but he accidentally wiggle it too hard that it land on Mrs. Bae shoulder

"BAE YURI" Mrs. Bae scream louder than her daughter's. Seulgi thought it probably the loudest scream in their neighborhood

"Sorry honey" Mr. Bae take the caterpillar and throw it away

"Sleep on the couch tonight" Mrs. Bae said then stomp her feet inside the house

"Honey, I'm sorry" Mr. Bae chasing his wife

Seulgi clear his throat then he tapping Joohyun shoulder "Baeby"

Joohyun giving Seulgi sharp glare "What?"

"I'm sorry"

"You also sleep on the couch"

"But I'm alone at guest room. Do you plan to sleep with me tonight? Your appa will chop my brother if he know it. You don't want to have babies in future?" Seulgi pouting

Joohyun groan "Stop talking nonsense Kang Seulgi"

Seulgi cackle then he circle his arm around Joohyun waist "I love you baeby"

"I hate you"

"Baeby~" Seulgi whining

"I love you too silly Kang" Joohyun peck Seulgi cheek

"Baeby, I am thirsty. Can you make orange juice for me?" Seulgi said cutely

"Kiss me first" Seulgi kiss Joohyun on her cheek "Again" kiss on forehead "Again" kiss on her nose tip "One more" finally land on her lips that last for few second

"Where else?" Seulgi peck his favorite lips again after that

"That's all, come in honey"


The couple go out for date in the evening. Before go to other destination, they go to Bae convenient store first

"Hi appa" they greet Mr. Bae who stand at the counter

"Hi kids, go out for date?" Mr. Bae teasing the couple

"Yes appa but Joohyun want to grab some snack first" Seulgi said

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