Part two

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Logan's pov

I was getting out of my car to walk into the apartment complex when I saw him. I saw this poor guy quietly crying who was shaking. He had some bags like he was running away, people were just ignoring him like he wasn't even there! I had to step in and help, it was only logical.

The sad thing is when he noticed me, he backed up like I was trying to hurt him, it broke my heart to witness and I didn't even know the guy. I kneeled down by him since he fell to the ground and was hugging his knees.

"Hey, its okay" I said in a soft tone, I wanted him to know that I wasn't going to hurt him. The poor thing was hyperventilating and shaking like crazy, I noticed hickeys scattered on his neck and he did flinch when he sat down. My mind started to wonder and I prayed what I thought happened was false.

"Im going to help you, just watch what I do and repeat it, okay?" He nodded, not making eye contact I did the 4 7 8 breathing exercise with him while softly explaining what to do. It took about fifteen minutes before he actually calmed down.

"Good job, now.. Can you tell me what happened? " I was never was really good with sprinkling sugar in what I say, but I had to try my best. "I want to help you with the best of my ability. " he slowly looked up at me, his expression screaming hurt and fear.

"I- I don't know if I c- can tell you.." He whispered and I barely made out what he said. I nodded, completely understanding the fear he could be in since he's talking to a random person.

"I understand.. " I looked at my watch, it was 6:46 pm "well its gonna get dark soon. Do you have anywhere to go?" He only shook his head, I felt so bad for him. "Here.. Let's go to my apartment. I promise you that I only want to help, if I do anything bad or if I make you uncomfortable, just tell me"

"Okay.." He whispered again, his voice was also very shakey and frail. I stood up and held my hand out for him to grab. He looked at my hand but got up by myself, flinching once again but he tried hiding it. I took his bags "I can carry these, don't worry about them"

I walked into the building and headed to my place while keeping an eye on the stranger. I wanted to make sure he knew he was safe and he strangely stayed close to me while looking around, did he think someone was going to just snatch him up?

We got to my place and I unlocked it, walking inside after he did. "You can sit on the couch, I'll get you some water." He shook his head and spoke up "i- im not thirsty.. Thank you though"

He sat on the couch and I stood in front of him, kneeling a bit. "You don't have to tell me what happened but is it okay if I ask you a couple questions? If you're uncomfortable you don't have to answer"

"O- okay.." He agreed which to I asked "what's your name?" Silence filled the room for a minute ".. Patton.. "

"That's a nice name, my name is Logan.. And-" I was about to ask another question but patton hid his face in his hands and started to cry.

"...Is it okay if I give you a hug?" I usually didn't give hugs, but he needed one and it was clear. To nobodies surprise, he nodded and I was right.

I hugged him in a protective and comforting way to know that nothing is going to happen "you're safe here patton, I assure you that"

Patton gave a little nod and he hid his face in my chest and hugged me with as much strength as he could and it wasn't much. I started to ask yes or no questions so he didn't have to speak.

"Did someone hurt you patton?" To my surprise, he answered.. With a nod. I felt myself get angry. Who could hurt someone so badly that they ended up like this?

"Is it okay if I leave for a second to grab some blankets and pillows for you?" He hesitantly nodded and I moved from the hug

Once I got the blankets and pillows, I wrapped one around patton. "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"D- do you have s- something to eat?" I nodded before he asked another question "m- maybe something sweet?" I smiled softly, that was honestly really cute.

"I believe I have some cookies if that's alright" he nodded and I went to my small kitchen. I went into the cabinet and grabbed a box of cookies. I grabbed about three and went back by patton.

He took the cookies for me and gave a quiet thanks. "Is it okay if I sit by you?" I asked, not wanting to scare him more. He nodded and I sat down next to him, wanting to know what happened to him.

It's been a few hours and patton hasn't talked much, he was off in his own world. I had put on a show after asking if it was okay but that was it. Until he finally looked at me "r- r- remus.." He sniffled

I gave a confused look "remus? .. Did he hurt you?" Patton nodded and pointed to his hickeys, I knew it. I stayed calm on the outside but I was pissed. "Patton, we should report him to the police. It'll be okay and I'll be there for you" he hugged himself and looked down

"I- I don't know" he sounded defeated and it just hurts to see anyone like this. "What if he tries t- to.." He couldn't finish his sentence with crying. He leaned on me and I wrapped my arm around him after making sure it was okay with him.

"I know its scary, and I can contact a friend of yours if you need me too. But we really should give him what he deserves. " I tried speaking as softly as I could, he seemed so fragile right now and its completely understandable.

"I- I guess.. " patton seemed hesitant, but he agreed to report him to the police.

"We can go tomorrow and you can tell or go with your friends if you feel safer that way" he didn't respond to that and instead asked

"Is it okay if.. If we cuddle so I can sleep better..?" This caught me off guard but I nodded pretty surprised he wanted to be close to anyone right now. 

He gave a forced and small smile as he got up and kept the blanket around himself. I picked up the pillows "do you have any other clothes to change into to be more comfortable?"

"Y- yeah.. Could I change in the bathroom?" I of course agreed and he grabbed what seemed to be a onesie? I shrugged it off and went into my room

I closed the door and changed into some white tank top and pajama pants. Patton knocked on the door and I opened it up. This adorable man was in a cat onesie, I let him inside after putting his clothes in the wash. He got on my bed after me and laid in my arms. He was surprisingly clingy, but I didn't mind whatsoever. As long as he was safe and happy

"Thank you s- so much" patton whispered as his head lay by my chest. I couldn't help but to give a small, reassuring smile.

"No need to thank me, just try to get some rest now" he nodded and soon fell asleep, leaving me awake and with my thoughts. I couldn't comprehend how someone could just rape someone.. 

Authors Note

Ahhhh I hope these chapters are good. Im trying my best and I hope y'all like it🥺

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