Part 4

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3rd Person POV

They drove in silence since Patton didn't really want to talk. Logan just felt awkward, but he didn't show it since he's bad at showing his emotions.

They soon arrived, Logan parking the car and getting out of it. He walked over by the passengers side and opened Patton's door.

Patton got out of the car, mumbling a small "thank you" as logan closed the door and locked the car

They headed inside and soon enough got seated and was not looking at the menu.

Patton's POV

I was so thankful that Logan was doing this for me even though he didn't know me at all. I wanted to say something, I really did! But ever since the incident, I've been so scared of everything. People looking at me, talking, even what I was wearing scared me.

I was in midthought when Logan spoke up "so, what would you like to get?" He had this handsome smile and he seemed like he genuinely cared which was so sweet.

"Uhm.. Would it b- be okay if I got the stuffed French toast with hash browns as a side?" I asked quietly, receiving a nod from the taller male.

He tried making conversation as we waited to say what we wanted, but I wasn't as talkative as I always have been.

That's when I saw them, my friends. They looked so worried and upset, that is until Emile noticed me. He smiled brightly and had tears in his eyes as he got up and went by my table. He gave me a hug, it was awkward since I was still sitting down, and the rest of the group came over.

They were all apologizing and saying that they reported Remus and I wouldn't have to see him again.

Roman, of course, looked at Logan and got protective over me. He went over by him while everyone was talking to me, so I didn't notice.

Roman's POV

I saw this man with Patton and was extremely confused. I went over by him while everyone else made sure Patton was doing alright.

"Excuse me, but who are you and how do you know Patton?" I said in a slightly rude tone but I just had to make sure this dude wasn't playing any tricks with Patton. Especially after what happened with him.. God I fucking hate my twin.

He looked at me for a second before standing up and putting his hand out, to which I shook. "I'm Logan. I saw patton the day.. The incident happened and he stayed with me for the night. I made sure he was okay and we decided to get breakfast, I hope that's alright with you?"

This annoyed me but I don't know why. "Well, im glad you helped. We can take it from here though. We'll pay for whatever the bill is."

Logan shook his head, why would he reject that? "It's really not necessary. I can pay for the bill, I did offer bringing Patton here after all. "

I nodded, at least this dude wasn't an asshole or something. "Okay, thanks for helping Pat by the way. And my name is Roman if you were wondering"

That's when everybody besides Emile came over. We all talked for a little while before going back to our table, keeping an eye on Logan. We didn't know him and we couldn't let Patton get hurt.

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