Part 25

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Trigger warning


felt bad for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger lol

Remus' POV:

I slowly opened my eyes, scared of seeing my friend's dead body.

Nothing. Just an open- AN OPEN DOOR!!! That fucking sneaky asshole!

He escaped, oh my god, he's so smart and I should have seen this coming.

I quickly opened my door to get him, to kill him.

That's when somebody, probably Kevin, punched my nose, and hard. It was to the point that I fell back in the car, letting go of the gun since I was so caught off guard.

He took the gun, I prepared for the gruesome death that awaited me. "You win.." I chuckle.

"I'm not feeling pity, don't even start Remus. Me and Steph have been planning this forever. To get our revenge. "

"What?" I got up with my hands, to which he shot my left arm, making me fall again.

He's killed people before, why did I think this was a good idea? He's a great shot.. Crap, crap, crap!! Think, Remus!

I screamed in pain as he took me out of the car, slamming me onto the ground. It was grassy but it hurt like hell with all the pressure in the fall.

"Yeah, we're sick of your shit. We knew that this could work. You came at us with this whole situation and it was a matter of time. "

He shot my right leg, Stephanie appearing. So much blood was leaving my body, I was feeling light headed by now.

"Having all the fun without me?" She said in a low tone, kicking my face with all her might.

A tooth fell from my mouth and onto the ground, the taste of blood filling my mouth.

She was never like this. Sure, she got in fights, but other people started those. She's such a sweetheart most of the times. But I had to blackmail her, for Patton and me.

"We're done with you Remus, you won't be hurting anybody else. " he shot my other arm and leg before dragging me far into these woods. It was creepy, even for me.

Nobody came back here, nobody would find me. Oh my god, I don't want to die.

"Please" I sobbed "I'll do anything, don't kill me. I'm so sorry. " it was pathetic how it came down to this.

They said nothing, just having stone cold faces as the dragged me into these woods.

"It had to be like this because of you Remus. There is no other way. Only if you were kinder. If you actually changed. Let me and Steph alone. Leaving poor Patton alone. "

"But you were apart of it! You agreed an- and you said how you would do the same things I would!!"

"It was a lie, dumbass. I'm a human, I could never do that. It was so sad, seeing how miserable he is. "

They threw me into the woods, more like kicked, but y'know. I was, of course, screaming. It didn't matter though.

"Patton will be with Logan. If I go to jail, I go. Stephanie will be fine though, it's all that matters to me. "

Stephanie smiled, it was a sad smile, but still a smile. I saw Kevin hand Stephanie the gun, to which she pointed at my head.

They've always been close, I assumed it was brother and sister close.. But no. No, they loved each other.

I found that out once I went through their texts. I had to make sure they weren't planning shit.

There was nothing.. This was planned face to face. It had to be.

"You guys are the evil ones!! You gu-"


Stephanie's POV:

I shot him in the head. This nightmare is finally over.

I'll be on my way and Kevin will clean the gun, putting his handprints on it.

He cared about my safety more than his own. I love him so much..

I teared up and he looked at me, putting his hand on my face and wiped my tears with his thumb.

"Hey, you're okay. Just promise me that you'll stay out of the business. Get a new life and have a family. Be normal."

I nodded and hugged him tightly, my face in his chest as I sobbed.

"I love you so much, Kev. I will never forget this, I'll have a better life, I promise. "

He was sacrificing his life for mine and some kids. He was a true hero. He was my hero.

"Good. " he kissed my forehead. "Forget all of this. Remus cant hurt you and nobody else will. Don't ever, EVER, meet me I prison.. Or if I get lucky enough for just prison. " he sighed and I shook my head.

"N- no.. No, don't say that. He's a horrible person! They can't kill you for helping kill him. "

"Yes, they can, im never going to lie about this. But you'll be okay and this is goodbye" he kissed the top of my head, hugging me tightly.

After ten minutes, he took the gun and headed to his car. And I walked to mine.

I would never see him again, it hit hard. But I would do as he asked, get a knew life, a safe one.

We both drove off in separate directions. Goodbye, Remus. Goodbye, Kev..

Authors Note

I can write a story about Kevin, Remus', and Stephanie's backstory if y'all want.

Comment and vote if you want me too!!!

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