Chapter 13: Make the Whole World Wait...

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You know how people say hindsight is 2020? Well, I’m beginning to understand what they meant. All I can think about right now is going back to the hotel room and hugging Pythagoras, my panda plushie. I had previously named him Peter the Panda (I mean, how could I pass up that opportunity?) but I changed it for obvious reasons.

But, no Pythagoras for me. No, I’m getting treated like a crazy person for wanting to save people’s lives! 

Ungrateful, stale pastries…

Not to mention all the fire. The projectiles. The crumbling buildings. The horrible people who still won’t freaking move.

And that, folks, is why I’m not a superhero.

Well, that and my remarkable talent for tripping over air and not being able to lift a full milk jug. I know, don’t judge me.

Okay, so I should probably back up a little bit here…

So right after our tearful goodbye, I realized that I couldn’t sit around while thousands of people were in danger. So I did what any rational human being would do:

I deliberately disobeyed Peter’s request and left the theater. 

Okay, I’ll admit. Not my smartest move. But it’s not like I’m going to go back to that theater and sit through a freaking four hour long opera while Peter puts his life on the line. 

“Get off the street, uh, vypadnout z ulice!” Thank God for Google Translate. “Jste v nebezpečí!” I shout, running through the crowded streets of Prague, ushering people inside. 

Astonishingly enough, I’ve cleared about 3 blocks already. I mean, there are, of course, the stragglers who don’t want to listen to the American lunatic, but other than that, I’ve been pretty successful. I run around the next corner, barely dodging a falling piece of the crumbling building. 

I press myself against the structure behind me, staying out of sight. Peering around the corner, I see I’ve finally made it to where the action is happening. I quickly back further in the alley- I don’t want to watch this. I can’t watch him get hurt.

He’s going to be fine.

He’s going to be fine.

Nothing’s going to happen to him.

He’ll make it.

He’ll be okay. 

Snapping me out of my thoughts, I hear a soft thud and crack in the alley next to me. I look over at the object that just crashed here. 

Of course, it’s covered in web fluid

I swear, Peter is so dense sometimes. Didn’t it ever occur to him that someone would recognize his webs?

Wait a second....

I crouch down next to the unknown object. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it looked like a… projector? I need to show this to Peter. I shrug off my jacket and wrap the whatcha-ma-call-it in it. 

If this jacket is damaged after this, MJ will kill me. 

I watch as some really conspicuous black cars tear through the streets, parking at the scene. 

Holy Hershey’s. It’s Nick Fury.

I mean, I’ve never seen him before, but I didn’t need to in order to know that this man was a boss

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