Chapter 32: Going for a Walk

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Over the next several days, Aang and his friends found it increasingly more difficult to escape Combustion Man and his army of combatants. Each passing day brought a harder task, inching them closer and closer to finally being captured. The nights all seemed to blend together into one feverlike dream. It would start with restless sleep, filled with tossing and turning. Once the vibrations ran through the solid ground, both Toph and Aang would sense them, waking up their team to battle. Once battle would commence, they would be easily handled by Combustion Man and his disciples, leaving them with only one option, retreat. However, tonight felt different. Aang couldn't put his finger on it but he felt as if tonight wasn't going to end the same way the previous nights had done.

    "Aang, you haven't eaten any of your food. What's up?" Aang rose his face toward's Sokka's direction where he was scarfing down his noodles while looking at him. Aang shrugged, brushing off the comment before horking down his own noodles in hopes that Sokka would drop the subject. However, this didn't work, causing Sokka to become more concerned with his arrow-headed friend.

    "You clearly have your mind on something? I've learned from Katara when to take hints." He set his bowl down and proceeded to sit across from him, the fire between them casting a shadow across Sokka's rigid jawline. Aang sucked the frigid air through his teeth as he became caught in his act of mindless wondering. He shook his head slightly before turning his attention towards his sleeping friends who were tucked away in Appa's fur coat. This was the first night that they were doing shifts for sleep, allowing for at least some chance for all of them to receive slumber's embrace. Sokka and Aang both drew the short stick, gifting them the longest and earliest shift of the night.

    "I don't know Sokka. Truthfully, I have quite a bit on my mind, both on the front and back burner." Sokka began to dig his heel into the sandy shore as they remained still, allowing the crackles of the fire to drown out their inner conscience.

    "Like what, Aang? If there's one thing you've taught me in our journies together, its to never hold anything back, that includes feelings." Aang cocked an eyebrow towards him as he continued to look down at his heels. Sokka wasn't usually one for a show and tell of feelings, especially with Aang, but this opportunity was one that Aang couldn't think of passing up.

    "Well, the main one on my mind is what we can do to bring peace back to this planet. We've fought so hard the past year and the world has been fighting for over one hundred. We just can't seem to get anywhere. Once we feel like we've stepped forward, we've actually gone two steps back." Sokka nodded in agreement, staring off past Aang towards his friends.

    "I could've guessed that one, but what else is on your mind?" Aang rolled his eyes, allowing a subtle smirk to dance across his lips. Their family is quite good at digging at people.

    "I worry about us. I can't help it but even with being the Avatar I clearly have people that I want to protect more than just the general public. You and Katara... that's it for me. Of course, I would do anything at a moment's notice for Toph, Zuko, Suki, and Iroh, but when it comes down to it, I'd throw my body in front of either of you two as my last sacrifice." Aang bit down on his bottom lip harshly, restricting him from saying anything else. In his mind, he had gone a bit over the top with his explanation about what was on his mind, however, the words remained true. Sokka meanwhile listened to him intently before reeling back and absorbing what Aang had just laid out in front of him. He had looked at Aang as a little brother fairly early into their time together, and ever since then, he protected him as one of his own. If anything, this little heart spill that Aang produced gave Sokka an overwhelming coating of comfort that he was more than willing to keep under lock and key in the back of his mind. Sokka rubbed his eyes gently, holding back any tears that dared to escape from his eyelids.

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