Chapter 25: Heartbreak

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 "Aang, will you just stop and talk to me for just one moment!" Katara had felt like she had been following him for hours now as the two continued to trek through the wilderness. They had been flying for over two days now and Appa had finally reached his breaking point, requiring them to stop and rest, possibly giving them time to strategize how they would break their friends out. However, Aang was both too stubborn and too anxious to wait on his furry friend to rest, so he left both Zuko and Iroh behind with Appa while he continued to work his way northeast towards Ba Sing Se. It wasn't like Aang to ever leave Appa's side, especially after the whole kidnapped fiasco that had happened months ago with Long Feng and the Dai Li, however, now that this newer version of Aang had emerged he hadn't shown any emotion for anyone, including his pets.

"Aang, please." Over the past couple of days, Katara had seen signs of the Aang of old. Whether it was a specific tone she would use or maybe even a touch of her hand, there would be moments of clarity where the true Aang would come forth. Sadly, these moments were a rarity and only lasted a few seconds to a couple of minutes max. Aang halted in his tracks, a moment of peace coming to his mind. Finally, he turned around and faced Katara. He had dark bags under his eyes and his eyes were bloodshot like he had been crying for hours. His breathing was shallow and erratic like he was going through some sort of sickness. Physically, he looked as weak as he had been after their battle in the Crystal Catacombs under Ba Sing Se. Mentally, however, he was as confident and self-driven as he had ever been. He didn't know what was driving him to become more violent, but whatever it was, was breaking him apart from his old self... and Katara.

After she had caught up to him she laid a tender hand on his cheek. His face had sunk in, feeling his cheekbones where there once were squishy cheek that she teased him about every so often. His smile was once so bubbly and full of life, but the Aang she saw in front of her now didn't represent the thought of Aang that she had permanently stamped in her head. He was going through some sort of storm mentally, what about she didn't know. Either way, she had to stand by him... he was the love of her life after all. However, this didn't excuse the actions that he had done back in Omashu. Actions, that she had not yet asked him about... until now.

"What in the hell happened back there? You never once had that side of you inside... what's changed. Why would you hurt a man that was begging for mercy, regardless of what he had done previously?" Aang truthfully didn't know the answer. He was trying to find that answer to the exact question she had asked, coming up empty-handed at each false lead within his mind. He at one point had asked Iroh for his advice before their split which resulted in some quality advice about self-reflection and seeking one's self through all their troubles and tribulations. Iroh had seemed to realize more than anyone that Aang was going through an internal struggle.

"I don't know Katara. I just... lost control." This answer wasn't enough to suffice Katara's questions as she huffed at him.

"You can't be serious, that's it?! You just lost control. Aang, don't you realize what you did to him?! Not only did he get sent to the Spirit World and quite possibly wasn't able to come back, but once he came back you made a mockery of him. Burning him in such a horrifying way that he'll be scared forever... just like Zuko's." Aang bit down on his cheeks, containing the rage that began to build by the tone of her voice. He knew that he shouldn't have stopped to answer her. He took a deep breath and looked back towards her, visibly pissed with her arms crossed whilst tapping her foot on the ground. If anything, he almost wanted to laugh at how cute she was.

"She's always cute when she's angry."

Aang shook his head at the thought that bombarded into his mind and turned back around to continue walking. Once again, he was stopped by the girl, turning him around in the process. She put her hands on either side of his shoulders, squeezing them softly as they tensed to her touch.

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