Chapter 18: Under Seige

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Sokka groaned as he leaned over the saddle attached to Appa's back. Not only was he back in the air without the luxuries of having delicious cured meats at an arm's reach, but now they were mere minutes away from what would inevitably be a dangerous encounter. Thankfully, Sokka wasn't alone, he was joined by his lovely girlfriend Suki, Toph, and finally, Aang, who was trying his hardest to hide his lack of mobility. The addition of Aang in this mission had been an odd choice by Zuko and one that wasn't well-received whatsoever by Katara, yet, here they were. Sokka had been put on babysitting duty for the avatar with the strict order of not letting him overstep his physical boundaries. However, the previous point that was mention is what overwhelmed Sokka's train of thought. Why on earth would Zuko not have come with them to Omashu, instead, opting to go with Katara to Ba Sing Se for a "disturbance" that neither Aang nor Zuko would speak of. Even Toph tried to get them to spill the beans as to what was going on, but both the Avatar and the Fire Lord keep their lips sealed. One thing that was notable however was the state of emotion Zuko had been in before Appa had taken off from the Fire Lord's palace. He was visibly pale and clammy whilst complaining that his head pounding. Before he turned into the sickly state, he and Aang had talked to each other quietly and away from the rest of the group. Sokka knew nothing about the conversation that took place between the two, however, ever since that point Zuko looked like he was about ready to hurl every content that laid within his stomach.

"Oh no... not again." Sokka caught Aang's worried tone which broke him out of his trance. He looked back over the saddle once more to see what once was the great Earth Kingdom city of Omashu was. The Earth Kingdom city was no longer the one they had visited at the start of their historic journey. What took its place was a familiar banner, one that represented the old way of life, one that consisted of darkness and evil.

"Azula! She has to be here, or at least she was". Both Sokka and Aang nodded at Suki's statement as they descended into the fields that lay outside the walls of Omashu. Aang was the first to hop off Appa's saddle, allowing the blood flow to return into his legs from the long flight. Aang slowly staggered to the top of the hill, leaving the rest of the group behind in order to get a better look at the city. His eyes fixated at the old tarnished Fire Nation banner that rippled in the breeze. He figured after hindering Ozai's ability to bend and negating the threat of Azula previous to her escape that the world would be able to be at peace like it had been previously. But now, ever since that battle with Ozai, it felt like nothing but evil seemed to come through the woodwork.

"Aang look out," Sokka shouted as he watched a fireball come crashing from the atmosphere down on top of them. Aang and Toph both swiftly created a giant wall of earth that provided the group with protection. As soon as the first fireball hit, he sent Appa away from the group in hopes that he would make it out safely.

"Guys, this way," Toph shouted as she bended a tunnel into the side of the cliff, allowing them to escape quickly before another fireball got sent their way. Both Aang and Toph continued to tunnel their way underground before they reached what they assumed to be the stone wall of Omashu. Aang was visibly fatigued as he leaned over attempting to control his breathing. Sokka in the heat of the moment had completely forgotten to administer the order that Katara and Zuko had both put him in charge of, hopefully nothing major would happen if he did exert himself because at this rate, Sokka estimated that they would be doing a lot more than just civil discussions and debates. Sokka raised Aang's torso from its leaned position and patted his shoulder.

"Stand up, that way you'll be able to get a full breath in". Aang nodded and obliged as he was about ready to pass out from exhaustion. He hadn't bended at all in recent weeks and his body still ached from the bed ridden soreness that came along with him lounging around trying to rehabilitate. As they continued to calm their nerves and catch their breath, Toph placed her hands on the wall in an attempt to feel for any vibrations on the other side of the wall. The amount of vibrations she felt from the other side of the wall were immense as she felt one firebender, then two, then five, then ten. They continued to funnel into whatever room was on the other side of the wall, all of them looking towards the exact spot where they were. One of the benders in particular had most of Toph's attention, she could feel the bender's power within her feet. Toph held her finger up to her face and shushed the group as she slowly began to bend a staircase out of the earth surrounding them down further into the ground. She did this very slowly as to not tip off any of the firebenders on the other side that wall. Before long they had actually found the bottom of the wall of Omashu to which she started to dig into Omashu.

"We're gonna have to dig up into Omashu," she stated. Sokka groaned once more to which was met with a stiff punch from Toph. As they slowly made their way up Aang's physical state continued to deteriorate. Suki had noticed this as she was the furthest back in the group. She threw his arm over her shoulder and called Sokka over to help assist in moving him throughout the tunnel and up the steps Toph was creating in front of them.

"Remind me again on why you came along with us when you can barely exert yourself," Sokka asked sarcastically. Aang clinched his jaw as he lifted his arms off both Suki and Sokka.

"I'm fine," he said through gritted teeth as he raced forward and assisted Toph in finishing the steps. As they continued their ascent, they final broke through the earth and into a room within Omashu. As the group looked throughout the room for any clue as to where they were, Toph caught more vibrations that began to ring within her feet. She readied herself as she reached a door and whispered back to the group, "We aren't alone". Both Sokka and Suki raised their weapons in response to Toph's warning. Sokka looked back at Aang who had now began to flicker fire in his hands. Aang looked back at Sokka's gaze and nodded.

"Sounds like we have some work to do. Breach and clear on three." The group nodded in response to Aang's words.


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