The Gem of Desire

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AN: Sssoo my friends thought it would be funny to split up my personalities... so now they are their own person.

???: At the current moment there are only three of us. Advance is one, then there is me and the other guy who I despise.

???: Despise? We are the same person... if not a bit different.

Advance: Can you both shut up and let me talk.

???/???: Nope

Advance: (Sigh) Whatever just shut-up and let me tell the readers who you two are. Anyways the first guy is the good side of me.

Angel: Call me Angel, the good side of Advance.

Advance: The other guy is my bad side and surprise, surprise, we call him Devil.

Devil: Dammit, why do you have to go and ruin my introduction, I had a great line and everything!

Advance/Angel: Shut-up!

Advance: Anyways just a heads up about that. Me and my other personalities will appear from time to time in the AN, but If you want to see them more often just say. Also there are other personalities running around, just got to go find them.

Angel: Don't worry about that, me and Devil will go searching for them.

Devil: We are?

Angel: Yep (Drags Devil away)

Advance: OK? Anyways enjoy the chapter. (Waves)

Devil: I didn't agree to this!

Advance: SHUT-UP!


Noah stood in front of Himeko, along with his Teammates as she briefed everyone on their mission.

Apparently there was a gem they need to collect it's an Item called, the Gem of Desire.

Noah has heard stories about them and what power they hold, but he never seen them in action or in person for that matter. So this was a bit exciting for him. But why would a gem be out here?

He glanced at his Teammates and saw they all had different thoughts about this mission.

Kiana was curious. Mei was... thinking and Bronya kept her straight face.

"Is everyone ready?" Himeko asked. Everyone nodded then walked towards the exit which opened up showing damaged buildings bellow. Kiana grinned and shoved Noah off the ship. But before she can start laughing Bronya appeared behind her.

"omae wa mou shindeiru" Bronya said in her monotone voice.

"Nani!" Kiana shouted before being shoved off the ship. Mei just stood there shaking her head. Himeko watched the whole thing copying Mei's actions.


Kiana landed on the ground and noticed a shadow looming over her. She looked up to see Noah standing there with his arms crossed and a look that said: "I'm getting payback."

Bronya landed behind Kiana while Mei landed next to her. Noah looked at his girlfriends while they checked their gear real quick.

"Hey Noah" The boy looked at Mei who was looking over her sword. "I'm was wondering where you went these Two weeks, after class was finished you would disappear and not come back until midnight." Bronya and Kiana looked at Noah wanting to know as well.

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